Forgot username or password

If a user forgets their username/password, they can request to have a password reset email sent to their email address on file. This article will help you to utilize the Forgot username or password feature on the login screen. 

In this Article

Sometimes when a user logs in, they might not know their username or password. At times, this is because a person is logging in for the first time. They can click Forgot username or password below the Next button in the login window.

forgot username or password.png

What happens when clicking Forgot username or password?

  • When a user clicks Forgot username or password?, they'll be prompted to enter their email address.
  • If this email address matches an email address in the user's profile in Constituent Manager, the system will immediately send an email to that same address with a link that the user can click to reset their password.
  • Password reset links remain valid for one hour.

Troubleshoot: User not receiving password reset email

  • Exact email address: Be sure the user enters the exact email address that is stored in their account. For security purposes, the password will not be emailed to an address different than the one provided when their account was created.
  • Correct URL: Ensure that the URL displaying on the login screen is the URL for your school and not for
  • Spam filter: The automatically generated password email may be getting caught in their spam filter. Can they check their email client's spam folder to ensure it is not there?
    • Whitelist email address: The password reset email is sent from your Finalsite "from" email address. You may be able to find the email address from which the password reset email is being sent and whitelist this email address in your district or school server. Skip to "How to whitelist your domain's email address" below to learn more. 

Important Note for Non-Messages Platforms

If your Finalsite platform does not have Messages/Messages XR turned on or activated as a module, you can reach out to Finalsite Support for assistance with locating your "from" email address. 

Whitelist your domain's email address

What does whitelisting an email address mean? 

Whitelisting an email address means you are adding it to a list of approved or safe senders. This ensures that emails from that address are delivered directly to your inbox, bypassing spam or junk folders.

Do you have Messages or Messages XR activated? If yes, follow these steps (otherwise Finalsite Support can assist you!)  

  • Step 1: Open up your Module menu > Site Administration > Site Modules in left navigation.
  • Step 2: Once you have expanded out Site Modules, click on the link for Email Domain Settings.
    site modules - email domain settings.png

mailgun from address.png

  • Step 3: The email address in the Mailgun "From" Address field (and to the right of the field) is the email address that you'll need to whitelist in your system to ensure that any emails sent from this message can be securely received. 

Important Note

The same process applies to both site users and site admins.

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