Manage your new mobile app home screen

The home screen is where anyone using your mobile app will first land. It's important, then, to showcase on your home screen the details that are most important to your community! As you continue into the school year, you might decide to make some adjustments on your home screen. 

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  New Product

This article is for our new mobile app offering, which is currently available and in the early adopter phase. 

This article will show you how to configure the settings that control which content displays on your mobile app home screen, including the Posts and Events settings on the main screen and the buttons that live in the bottom toolbar.

Manage your mobile app details by clicking on mobile apps in your CMS module menu. 

mobile apps in the CMS.png

In this Article

The mobile app home screen overview

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The mobile app home screen includes: 

  • a horizontal scroll of items from Posts in the top section
  • a vertical Upcoming events section consisting of events pulled from Calendars in the middle to the bottom(either New Calendars or Calendar Manager, depending on which module your site is using)
  • five buttons in the bottom toolbar  

Important Note

Everyone's view of your mobile app home screen will be the same, without the ability to filter or adjusted per school as is possible with other screens of your app. For this reason, as a best practice, be sure to keep the content on the home screen updated and relevant to all users.

Manage your home screen sections

The first section at the top of your home screen pulls from the Posts (needs linked) module, and the rest of the home screen is a section pulling from your calendars in the CMS. Manage these two areas in your Mobile Apps modules > Content Settings. Click the edit pencil next to the Home icon to open up the Manage Content window. 

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Here in the Home > Manage Content window, you will configure what will display on the home screen of your mobile app. 

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First, let's manage the Posts Settings

Manage home screen Posts Settings

You can display a collection and/or selected boards as a poster image or a list, for a maximum of 10 posts showing at a time. Choose which details to show inside of each post that displays on your home screen, such as: 

  • Author's name
  • Publish date
  • Summary
  • Resource galleries

Best Practice: Mobile app Posts home screen

For school districts, it’s a good idea to select only the main district news and announcement boards to make sure everyone is aware of important communications. Individual school boards are better pulled into the Posts tab, where they can be filtered.

For independent, charter, and parochial schools, select the board(s) your school uses to communicate the most important news or announcement content on your site. These may be the boards you are pulling into your homepage to display news or your parent portal to display announcements.

Manage home screen Events Settings

Select which calendars are visible on your home screen Events section. Manage your calendars in Calendar Manager or New Calendars module. Not sure which one you have? Check out the article, "New Calendars module and Calendar Manager compared." 

Home screen link buttons overview

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There are 5 buttons in the bottom toolbar: 

  • Home: returns the user to the home screen
  • 3 middle buttons: admin's choice to change icon and label
  • More: (not editable) takes visitors to another screen where they can choose from other options you've placed there for their convenience 

Manage your home screen buttons

  • Add a button: Edit a current button differently by clicking the pencil next to an item in Content Settings, or click the green + Add Custom Link button to add a new button.
  • Reorganize buttons: Drag and drop the rectangle items in Content Settings to change your order. Click Update in the bottom right corner and refresh your app to see the changes.
  • Remove a button: Remove the configurations for a specific item in its Content Settings and it will no longer display in the toolbar. 
    • For example: to remove your "Athletics" button from the bottom toolbar during off season. Simply remove the content you've configured (e.g. deselect the Teams you're pulling) under the Athletics area to ensure that it will not display at all. Refresh and see that the Athletics icon is no longer visible.
  • Re-add a button: Easily add a button back that was previously removed by configuring its content in Content Settings.
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