Chat for teachers: Understand posting permissions levels

As you prepare to manage your chat room, it's important to understand the different types of modes of chat available in Finalsite's chat feature. Parents, coaches, teachers, and school or district administrators all access chat at various permission levels.

This article will focus on the Chat Manager permission level. Check out the Chat for School Leaders article, "Assign chat roles and create rooms" or have a conversation with your main district or school site admin learn more about all of the different levels of posting permissions. 

This is a Chat for Teachers article helping teachers with everything they need to communicate via chat with parents and guardians. Teachers are at the Chat Manager Level.

Not a teacher? Check out Chat for Parents & Guardians or Chat for School Leaders for more personalized help!  

In this Article

The Chat Manager permission level 

As a teacher, you are at the Chat Manager permission level. This level gives you many privileges to effectively manage and monitor what goes on in your assigned chat rooms.

At the Chat Manager permission level, you can: 

  • participate in chat rooms and direct messages
  • create and manage chat rooms
  • chat directly with parents
  • mute users
  • temporarily block users
  • report messages
  • send documents and files
  • mute a chat message or a chat room 
  • reply in a thread, pin a message, react to a message

Important Note

You can touch base with your district or school admin(s) whose permission levels may allow for other tasks you need to do like monitoring other chat rooms and messages and blocking users permanently.  

Who can chat with whom? 

As you prepare to manage your chat room, it's important to understand the two types of chat methods available in Finalsite's chat feature and the available options within them: Chat rooms and Direct Messages.

Chatting in chat rooms 

  • One-way chatroom: admin can send messages to a group without recipient ability to respond. 
  • Two-way chatroom: anyone can send a message.
  • Chat rooms are managed by users at the Chat Manager level. 

Communicating with direct messages

  • Intentional messaging between 2 or more users.

Next: Start chatting and direct messaging!

Now that you understand how it works, check out the article, "Connect and collaborate with parents and guardians" to learn how to start chatting and direct messaging. 


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