Once you get logged in to your app and know your way around, you can start chatting in chat rooms and via direct messaging!
This is a Chat for Parents + Guardians article providing help with chatting with your students' teachers. Parents and guardians are at the Chat Participant Level.
Not a parent or guardian of a student? Check out Chat for Teachers or Chat for School Leaders for more personalized help!
In this Article
Chat in a chat room
The top half of your chat screen includes a list of all of the chatrooms in which you are a Chat Participant. Chat managers will set the scene and serve as moderators of the chatroom, ensuring that all conversations meet safety and privacy standards.
- Click on chat rooms with a notification bubble next to them. This means you have Unread Messages.
- Start a chat message.
- Reply to a chat message by starting a thread.
- Send files such as images, documents, and more.
- Increase engagement with emojis.
- React to a chat message so that everyone feels heard and seen.
Quick Tutorial: Chat in a chat room
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **Send and receive direct messages
- Create a new direct message.
- Reply to direct messages.
- Message multiple parents at once.
- Send files, photos, and fliers.
- React to messages in a modern way with emojis.
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