Chat for parents and guardians: Web Chat - Chat in a browser with a URL

Join in on the conversation, no matter your device preference! Stay closer than ever to your student's district or school. You can now use chat via web browser with a URL without the need to download your school or district's app.

This feature allows you to use a URL in a browser to chat in a chatroom or communicate via direct messages with faculty and staff at your student's district or school. 

This is a Chat for Parents + Guardians article providing help with chatting with your students' teachers. Parents and guardians are at the Chat Participant Level

Not a parent or guardian of a student? Check out Chat for Teachers or Chat for School Leaders for more personalized help!  

In this Article

You now have the option to chat via web browser using a URL. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Click the chat URL 

web chat window.png

Your district or school will provide you with a URL which you can paste into a browser window. 

Step 2: Get logged in

Username: Enter your Username.

login screen for web chat.png

Password: Enter your Password.

enter password.png

Don't know your login credentials?

  • Enter what you think your username is. 
  • The Forgot password path will begin on the second screen once you enter an attempted Username. 
  • Select Forgot password to have a reset password link sent to the email address associated with your account. You'll be directed to a Login page where you can Create a new Password.   
  • Does your district or school use a third-party to authenticate logins? You may be instructed to enter these credentials instead. 

forgot password path for web chat.png

Next: Start chatting and direct messaging

You are now ready to check out the article, "Connect and collaborate with school staff" to learn how the chat works and how to communicate through direct messaging.

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