Adding posts to a publication

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A post’s Start Date & Time determines which issue of a Publication it will appear in.


Set issues and post start dates

The Issues within a Publication each have their own start dates.

Issue settings within Posts with Start Date & Time field highlighted

When an Issue element is linked to a Post element, those Issue start dates will help to determine what content that Post element displays.

A Post element that’s part of a Publication (i.e., one that’s associated with an Issue element) will ONLY show posts whose Start Date & Time fall between the current Issue’s start date and the next Issue’s start date.

If a particular post is not appearing in an Issue where you expect to see it, confirm first that the post’s start date is set correctly in relation to the Issue start date.

Post content in multiple Issues

You can carry a post over from one Issue to the next Issue by adjusting its “Featured Until” field. When a post is currently visible in an Issue, setting its “Featured Until” field to a date that’s after the next Issue’s start date will ensure that the post is displayed again in the Publication’s next Issue.

Organize publication content

Using a specific board to contain all of the posts for a Publication is the simplest way to organize its content. Using a tag-based organization scheme can allow for greater flexibility, but it requires slightly more attention to detail.

Organize with boards


In this example, a school has created an “Alumni Magazine” publication. To keep things simple, the school has opted to devote a board in the Posts module solely to the Alumni Magazine.

With a dedicated board in the Posts module to contain all of the "Alumni Magazine"-related posts, this school can simply add Post elements to their Publications page and set those elements to display content from the “Alumni Magazine” board. This is done by editing the settings on the Post element that's placed on the Publications page.


With this configuration, all of the content for the magazine is saved to the same board when it’s created. All of the contributors to the Publication must have some level of rights for the board, whether as an admin user or a portal user.

Every post that is created on that board will appear in the publication at some point. Exactly which Issue a post will appear in depends on its Start Date & Time.

Organize with tags

Another way to designate Publications posts is by coming up with a dedicated tag for your Publication and applying it to all of the posts that will appear in the Publication.

Using this approach, it doesn't matter which board a post is saved to, because the board does not determine whether or not a post appears in the publication. Instead, each post that is to appear in the Publication would have a common tag - for this example, the tag is "alumni magazine."


Back on the Publication page, the Post element is configured to look for posts on multiple boards (because it doesn't matter which board the post belongs to) that also have the Specific Tag "alumni magazine."

Post element settings showing alumni magazine tag selected and board display settings highlighted

Important Note

You must ensure that the Post element is set to pull content from all of the boards that might have Publication-relevant posts.

With this method, the Post element will ONLY display those posts that have the "alumni magazine" tag associated with them.

Other posts that are saved to the same board but which do NOT the “alumni magazine” tag will never appear in the Publication.

As with board-based organization, it’s the start date on a tagged post that determines which Issue of a Publication that post will appear in.

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