Using tables

The Table feature within the editor comes with many built-in customization options, which allow you to make a table that fits the data you are presenting. This article will show you how to use tables in Content elements with the editor feature.

In this Article

Add a table to a Content element

  • Add a Content element to a page. 
  • Click the Table icon in the Editing toolbar.
    table icon in editing toolbar.png
  • Select the options in the Table Properties window that pops up to customize how your table will appear. Click OK and the table will appear in your Content element.
  • Once the table has been added to your Content element, you can adjust the options by right-clicking on the table until the menu opens. This menu allows you to make quick changes such as: Paste content, Add Cells, Rows, Columns, Delete, and so much more! 
  • To adjust and see all options together, select Table Properties to reopen your window. 
  • Table Properties can be used to adjust table size, header location, alignment, and more.

    Table Properties button

  • Cell > Cell Properties can be used to adjust colors, split/merge cells, and more.

    Cell Properties button

Important Note

Every site has its own custom table styling, found in the Styles dropdown. This styling can be added within the Table Properties window.

Responsive tables

Tables can be a great way to organize a small amount of data (~2 columns). However, tables with a large amount of data (3+ columns) are not recommended, as they will not translate well on mobile devices. This is because HTML tables, by nature, are not responsive.

Best Practice Tip: Responsive tables

Do you have a small (~2 column) table that is getting cut off on mobile? You can make it responsive by changing the width in Table Properties to 100%.

Table alternatives

For larger amounts of data, it is a best practice to use a combination of layout elements or other modules to achieve a similar content structure that remains responsive across all user devices.

Please visit our Finalsite Support blog post for examples: Extreme Site Makeover: Tables Edition.

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