Create athletics team pages

With Athletics Manager and Composer, you can create dynamic team pages that automatically update with each team’s roster, schedule, coaches, and other team information. There’s no need to create a separate page for each team! Team pages can be fully built out using just three elements: Athletics Team, Athletics Roster, and Athletics Event. They can be managed and updated entirely from Athletics Manager, so your coaches can provide up-to-date team information without even touching Composer.

Here's how it works! 

In this Article

Step 1: Create two pages 

  1. Landing page: create a landing page where site users can view a list of the teams. 
  2. Team details page: create a Team Details page underneath the landing page to display the dynamic content for each team. 

Step 2: Configure landing page

Here you will create an Athletics Team Directory on your landing page to publish a list of your school’s teams for site users to choose to view details about. Here's how it works:

  • Create a page in Composer.
  • Add an Athletics Team element > Directory format using the Element library.
    • This directory can be displayed as a list or as a dropdown.
    • In the List format, you can display some additional details about each team, such as the team’s icon and its record. Additionally, you can group teams by sport or season.
    • Enable the Link names to team details checkbox to allow other Athletics elements to display team-specific information.
    • If team details are on another page, set Open In to Page and select the appropriate page.
    • For updating elements on the same page, choose Open In Element and select the elements to be updated by the team selection.

Step 3: Configure your team details page

This is where each team will have a chance to shine! 

  • Dynamic content can be pulled onto this page for each team whenever visitors click on the team on the landing page.
  • Hide this second page from navigation as described in the article, "Hide pages from search and navigation.

Add Athletics Team element > Directory format

Add an Athletics Team element > Directory format using the Element library on this page, as well, so that users can quickly jump from team to team without returning to the previous page.

  • Enable the “Link names to team details” checkbox to allows other Athletics elements to display information specific to any team the user selects, either on the same page or a different page.
  • If the team details are on another page, change the Open In setting to Page and select the appropriate page.
  • If you want to update elements on the same page as the directory, choose Open In Element and select one or multiple elements on the page to be updated by the team selection.

Add Athletics Team element > Profile format

Add an Athletics Team element > Profile format using the Element library so you can display various details from the Team Properties in Athletics Manager: Team Name, Team School, Icon, Description Content 1, Overview Content, Schedule Content, Description Content 2, Record, League Record.


Use one element to display all of the team’s content, or experiment with using multiple instances of the Team Profile element to create more interesting layouts.

In the following example, three elements in a two-column container have been used to display the Team Name and Overview Content, Description Content 1 (photo), and Schedule Content:


Add Athletics Roster element(s)

The Athletics Roster element comes in two formats - Players and Coaches - which can be used to display the content from the Team Roster and Team Coaches section of Athletics Manager, respectively. For each format, you can display the Roster Content field and/or details about the team’s players from the player profile and Constituent Manager.

For players, you can choose to display the following fields: Player Number, Position, Height, Weight, Class, Grade Level, Hometown, and a link to their Biography.

Important Note

The selected data will only display if the corresponding columns have been activated for the team in Athletics Manager.


  • For coaches, the display options are: Title, Photo, Biography, and Email.
  • The Title and Biography fields can be customized for each team; otherwise, the default values from Constituent Manager will be shown.
  • If Link names to coach details is selected, the coach’s Constituent Manager profile can be opened in a popup or on a page with a Constituent Profile element, as set under Open In.

Important Note

Even if custom titles or biographies are set on the Team Coaches page, the coach details will reflect what’s in Constituent Manager.

Add Athletics Event element(s)

Last but not least, the Athletics Event element can be used to display events in a Table or List format, as well as to display the full details of a single event. Refer to the Athletics Event element article for full details about the display options for this element.

  • Athletics Event elements can be used to display information about past games as well as upcoming ones, including the event recap from Athletics Manager.
  • Game details and recaps can be linked from the List or Table format Event element and set to open in a popup or in an Athletics Event Event-style element on the same page or a different page.
  • To display previous seasons in an Athletic Event Table or List, select to display events from Current Event Year, and then enable the Display Event Year Dropdown checkbox that appears.


  • The Event element can be configured to display a link to Google directions for the location using the Location Directions checkbox, and/or custom directions as entered on the Event Properties screen in Athletics Manager.

Step 4: Include elements that aren’t dynamic

  • All of these elements can be updated dynamically according to the team chosen from the Athletics Team Directory element. However, you can also include static versions of these elements on your pages that will not change with the selected team.
  • If the elements to be updated are on the same page as the Directory element and you have enabled the Open In Element option, only those elements that you select in the dropdown will be updated.
  • When using the Open In Page option, each Athletics element on the target page will be updated dynamically based on the user’s selection on the parent page - unless you set an element to Ignore URL Parameters. This checkbox can be found under the Advanced section of each element.
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