Posts Quickstart Guide Step 8: Continue to manage as needed

Welcome to THE FINAL STEP, Step 8 in the "Posts Quickstart Guide" series, giving you a "quickstart" to using posts with your Finalsite products. 

In this Article

Explore other areas 

Using the Posts module is an ongoing experience. In this series we talked about the basics of getting started with posts, but here are some other areas to explore: 

Master these tasks

As the school year progresses, you'll become a master at these tasks:

  • creating new boards.
  • expiring old posts.
  • going in different directions on your pages with existing Post elements.
  • learning new information from your community about the news they're interested in and adjusting your post tools elements.
  • adjusting permissions for new staff.
  • transform content from inaccessible PDFs into something magical by creating and displaying post elements together with post tools elements.

You're done!

Thanks for getting a "quickstart" in the Posts module. We can't wait to read your news and see how engaged your community is on your website! 

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