Composer permissions

In this article, we’ll describe the process for granting permissions within Composer.

Define Composer rights

Before an admin group can edit pages, ensure that Composer is enabled on the group’s Admin Users settings in the Admin Users module.

Assign admin groups different rights to view, edit, publish, and delete pages in Composer when you set permissions with the following levels within Composer: Global Level, Page Level, and Branch Level

Global Level Page Level Branch Level

Set Global Level permissions

Global permissions are set per admin user group. These are the default rights that admins in this group have to edit pages on the website.

It's a good idea to only grant Edit-level rights to admin users who are actually responsible for editing site pages. Many admins have other responsibilities that don't impact the front end of the website, and those users don't necessarily need to have page editing privileges.

On the main Composer menu, select Permissions

Markup 2023-10-24 at 10.36.46.png

Choose default levels for each admin group under each column that represents a different component of Composer.

composer permissions breakdown.png

  • Not Allowed means the component won't be visible on the main Composer menu. Users won't be allowed to see the configuration of a page; only the public-facing page itself (unless it is access-controlled). Use this setting to hide sensitive information like portal configurations from those with Composer access.
  • View means this item can be "seen" but without the Compose toggle and hover menus. Users can only see the component, preview it on mobile or desktop views, and see the publication status.
  • View & Edit allows users to make changes, but not to publish those changes. Users can create new pages, banners, and themes. This level allows for the ability to move pages within the site tree, change/remove the page's theme, and roll back the page to the last published version.
  • View, Edit & Publish has all of the same permissions as above, with the added ability to publish and unpublish pages. For users with "View, Edit & Publish" settings, only deleting is not an option. In addition, users can create new shared elements at this level.
  • View, Edit, Publish & Delete includes the "delete" option, in addition to all other features of the other levels.
    • can view the Page History Log
  • Admin level users cannot change permissions for their own group, but can do all of the above as well as the following additional tasks:
    • see and make changes to the Permissions tab on the main Composer menu and on page and banner settings.
    • can grant the ability to move pages from branch to branch
    • can view the Page History Log
    • can view and adjust Domain settings
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