Getting started with Locations

In this Article

The Locations module is designed for school districts or organizations with multiple campuses to easily manage contact information, admin permissions, site domains, and even set up a directory element in Composer.

Add locations

To set up your locations, begin with the Locations module in your Composer navigation menu. The Locations menu will load by default, but you can back out of it to access Settings and Permissions.

Under the Locations menu, select + Location to set up a location.

create a new location.png

Edit Location content 

Learn how to edit the content for each of your locations in this tutorial:

Quick Tutorial: Edit Location Content


1. For organizations with multiple sites or campuses, the Locations module is used to dynamically update some content in the header and footer such as the site name, logo, colors, and contact information.

Step 1 image

2. Click the Module icon.

Step 2 image

3. Click Locations

Step 3 image

4. Click Locations

Step 4 image

5. Click Franklin Elementary

Step 5 image

6. The Title, Subtitle and/or Motto typically display in the header.

Step 6 image

7. The remaining contact information fields typically display in the footer. You can update these fields when needed. Don't forget to click the Update button to save your changes.

Step 7 image

8. One final thought: site colors and logos are configured with your site build. Changes to these options may best be done with the help of our support team.

Step 8 image

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **


  • Create a Location name.
  • Enter Title and Subtitle, a Motto if you'd like.
  • Add Address, Phone Number(s), and Email address for this location.
  • Choose a Category, if applicable. Your categories may be Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, or High Schools, for example, or any other divisions that make sense for your locations. If you only have a few locations, you may not need categories. (Find out how to create categories below.)
  • Admin Groups: Want to assign specific Admin Groups? A special feature of Locations is the ability to set admin groups for each location. Select site administrator groups that you want to be allowed editing access under the domain(s) that this location is attached to. See below for more information about attaching locations to domains. Learn more about the options in the article, "Use Locations to set domain permissions." 
  • Choose a Thumbnail image from Resources to represent the location, as well as the location's logo. Site Colors and logos are configured with your site build. Changes to these options may best be done with the help of Finalsite Support. 

Configure Location settings

The Settings menu can be used to add categories for your locations.

  • Click Add Category to create a new category and name it.
  • Click Save in the bottom-right corner to add the category.
  • Drag and drop your categories to change the order, and save again.

location settings.png

Your categories may be Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, or High Schools, for example, or any other divisions that make sense for your locations. If you only have a few locations, you may not need categories.

Categories will be used in the Composer Location element, which you can read more about below.

Set Locations permissions

As with other Composer modules, Locations permissions are available to any admin group with the “Composer” checkbox selected for their group in Admin Users. It’s unlikely any group will need permissions for this module besides the main administrators group, however. Assign permissions using the dropdown menu next to each group.

Assigning location to a domain

If your organization has different web addresses for each location, they will be set up as Domains in your Composer Pages menu. In the Domain Settings for each domain, you can associate a location with that domain under the General tab.

domain settings.png

Select a location from the dropdown menu next to Domain Location.

domain location settings.png

When you set a location, that domain will be visible to:

  1. members of any admin group you selected for that location; and
  2. members of any admin group with Composer permissions that has not been associated with a particular location.

Location element

The Location element in Composer allows you to create a directory-style list of your locations on a page. Open the Module elements in the Element library and scroll down to find the Location element button. 

location element.png

You can choose to display all your locations, or filter by category. Each location will be linked to the domain’s home page. If more than one domain is linked to a particular location, the location will be linked to the home page of the domain that comes first in Composer.

The location element also includes an option to display the details about a single location, whether the location configured for the domain or a specific location.

For more information about this element, see Location element.

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