What happens when you click the submit button on a form is the most important part! In the Forms module, you can set what will happen when a form is submitted. This article outlines those options, including submission options and notification emails.
In this Article
When you add the first field to your form, the Submit button is automatically added at the bottom, below the reCAPTCHA field.
Edit form Submit settings
Click on the Submit button to bring up the Edit settings in the right hand working panel.
Button Label and Alignment
Submission options
Submission options determine the behavior the user sees after they submit the form. Select the radio button for either a Thank You Message or a Thank You Page.
- Thank You Message is a plain-text message in your site’s heading 3 style that appears in place of the form. If the user wants to fill out the form again, it will be necessary to reload the page.
- Thank You Page can be any page in Composer you select from the page picker. As a best practice, it should include your thanks for submitting the form and an email address to direct any questions. You may want to create a generic page that you use for this purpose on all forms, or any forms that do not require specific follow-up steps.
Notification Emails > Send to Admins
Send notification emails to any admins who need to act on or be aware of the data that was just received.
- Toggle Send to Admins to activate admin notifications.
- Enter an email address in the Recipient field.
- Click the + icon to add additional recipients.
- Delete a recipient using the trashcan icon next to their email address.
Admin doesn't need to be a constituent!
The term Admins in the Notification Emails section is a bit tricky! Your recipient(s) CAN be any email address, even if NOT an admin user or constituent with a profile in your CMS.
In some cases, you may want to send a notification to an admin only if the form has been filled out in a certain way. If so, add the recipient as normal, then click the Star icon next to their email address. This will allow you to set conditional rules, either date-based and/or field-based, to determine when to trigger a notification to that admin. For more information about setting up conditional rules, please refer to our article Create conditional form fields.
Compose a Custom Message to the admin in the text element. Select the checkbox below the recipients field(s) if you want to Include Submission Details in the notification email. This setting, as well as the message, cannot be customized per recipient. If the recipient is an admin with access to the form in Forms, they will also see a View Submission button to click and be redirected to the Forms module immediately.
Notification Emails > Send to Submitter
Toggle Send to Submitter to have the user receive a message when they have successfully submitted a form. This is a best practice so that the user has confirmation that their submission went through, as well as a “paper” trail in case they need to refer back to their submission for any reason.
Select a Reply-To address to receive replies from this confirmation. These addresses are managed in Messages. Go to Messages > Settings > Reply-To Addresses to add/remove email addresses.
Best Practices:
- Be sure to insert at least one Email Address field. Once added, save the form so that you may select this field from the dropdown as the email address to use for the notification.
- Choose a Reply-To address OR the email will be sent with a "noreply@xxxx" address in the From field.
- Compose a custom message to the recipient. Select the checkbox to have the user’s responses included in the email.
Important Note
Only fields that have been completed or filled out in the form will be included in the submission details email.
Customize email template
To change the look of the email that gets sent to submitters, you can customize the template in the Messages module. Go to Messages > Templates > System > Transactional Template to swap out the default Finalsite logo for your organization’s logo and change the background color of the header to a complementary color. This template will be used for all form results emails, in any domain, so it is best to keep the logo as general as possible. The admin confirmation email template cannot be customized; only the submitter email template.
Important Note
If you do not have Messages enabled, please contact Support for assistance.
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