Chat for school leaders: Assign chat roles, create rooms, and manage members

In Finalsite’s new chat feature, communication can take place in real-time between parents/guardians and school staff. This article will show admin users how to understand the roles that are available in the chat feature, how to create and assign roles to your chat setup, and create rooms that are each designed with the selected roles in mind.

This is a Chat for School Leaders article helping district and school admins with everything they need to manage the chat setups for all Chat Managers and Chat Participants at their district or school level. School leaders are likely at either the District Admin or School Admin role. 

Not a school leader? Check out Chat for Parents & Guardians or Chat for Teachers for more personalized help!  

  New Product

This article is for our new mobile app offering, which is currently available and in the early adopter phase. 

In this Article

Assign chat roles

During the implementation of your chat feature in Finalsite’s new mobile app, you will work closely with our integration team to assign roles to your people, ensuring that each role has the right level of involvement in the chat process.

Here are the 4 chat roles available to choose from. 

  • District Admin: This may be a Director of Communications, a Tech Director, or Superintendent. This is the role with the highest level of abilities within the chat setup including ability to monitor all chat messages and rooms in all schools.
  • School Admin: This role might be a Head of School or Principal/Assistant Principal. They may have the highest level of rights within their own school but not over other schools in their district.
  • Chat Manager: A Chat Manager is an assigned role to manage a particular chat room or rooms though are limited in abilities to monitor other chats and block users.
  • Chat Participant: Likely a parent or guardian, chat participants are able to participate in chat conversations and chat directly with a Chat Manager if this is a part of their setup. Chat Participants can report messages, mute the notifications in a chat, and reply in a thread where they are allowed to chat.

Chat roles and permissions table

This table will help you make the best decision on what role each person will have in order to successfully participate in the communication process.

  District Admin School Admin Chat Manager Chat Participant
Can participate in chat rooms and direct messages Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can monitor all chat messages and chat rooms across multiple schools Yes No (only within their school) No No
Can create/manage chat rooms Yes Yes Yes No
Can chat directly with parents Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can block users Yes Yes No No
Can mute users Yes Yes Yes No
Can temporarily block users Yes Yes Yes No
Can report messages Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can send documents and files Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can mute a chat message or a chat room Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can reply in thread, pin a message, react to a message Yes Yes Yes


Create chat rooms 

Once you have the roles assigned and established, you are ready to create rooms. Rooms will be created during implementation, but sometimes you need to create more manually once you have a better idea of your needs.

Real-World Scenario

For example, an after-school tutorial is started up later in the semester. A chat room would be great for parents, guardians, and any teachers who will be assisting to serve as a place to share resources, time and date reminders, and so much more!

Who can create chat rooms? 

Anyone with the District Admin, School Admin, or Chat Manager role can create new chat rooms.

How to create a new chat room

Let's walk through the process for creating a chat room. 

  • Step 1: Click on the Chats icon in the bottom toolbar
  • Step 2: When entering into the Chats window, each role will see chat rooms that they've been assigned to. If user is a District Admin, School Admin, or Chat Manager, they will see a + sign to the right of the Chat Rooms section. 

create chat room.png

  • Step 3: Click the + to open the Create chat room window.
    • Add a Chat room name. In your chosen name, remember that spaces can't be used in room names. Any spaces left in the field will be replaced with hyphens (-). 
    • Select your Posting permissions. This will determine who will be able to post messages in this chat room: Everyone or School moderators only. Some chat rooms have posting permissions of School moderators only when they are more for announcements than collaboration. 

create chat room window.png

  • Step 4: Click Next. In the next screen, choose the participants who will be members of this chat room. 

choose chat participants.png

  • Step 5: Once you have populated the chat room, click Create chat room. This will take you directly to the new chat room where you can confirm membership and Create your first message!

first screen of new chat room.png

Monitor all communication

It's helpful at this phase to understand how you will be actively monitoring and moderating the communication taking place in your assigned arena.

  • Configure the chat room settings via your CMS website desktop version.
  • Depending on your Chat permissions level, you may assist with managing or moderating the chat.
  • Anyone within the Chat feature can start and participate in direct messages.

Important Note

Chat room and direct message communication currently exists for parents, teachers, and coaches, with the inclusion of student functionality in a future release.

Understand chat types

Here are the different chat formats that are available in Finalsite's chat feature: 

  • Direct chat between 2 people.
  • Group chat with multiple people.
  • Auto-created chat rooms based on SIS, and ability to create more chat rooms.
  • One-way chat room: admin can send messages to group without recipient ability to respond.
  • Two-way chat room: anyone can send a message. 

The mobile Chat homescreen is divided into two sections: Chat Rooms and Direct Messages.

chat home screen.png

Chat Rooms vs Direct Messages

Chat Rooms

A chat room is a place where all members of a class or an athletic team or fine arts group can communicate together in an ongoing basis. Rooms with new, unread messages will be listed first in your list of all chat rooms. A small notification bubble with a number inside will signify new and unread messages in that chat room.

  • Read and write new messages.
  • Mute or unmute push notifications with an easy toggle.
  • View other chat room members.
  • Post files and other media in messages or replies.
  • Change formatting (bold, italic, strikethrough).
  • Reply and react to messages with comments and/or emojis.
  • Leave rooms you no longer wish to be involved in. 

Direct Messages

Direct messages are more situational or targeted toward having a "quick chat" about something with a smaller audience. New and unread messages will display first with a notification bubble.

  • Involve other teachers or parents/guardians in a message. 
  • Write or reply to regarding a mutual student.
  • Know with confidence who is included in a direct message. 
  • Mute when you don't want to receive notifications for this message any longer.

Manage room membership

Once you have worked with our support or implementation team to add your people into the system, you can now manage them from the Members tab. To view membership, open the Chat feature by first opening up Mobile Apps from the module menu. Click on the Members tab to see a list of all members. 

chat in the mobile apps module.png       members tab.png

Here are all of the different tasks you can do from the Members tab: 

  • Filter by chat role and/or location to populate only that selection in the list.
  • Add members manually to appear in the Members tab or Delete with the trash can icon.
  • Adjust the Chat role level of that member.

members tab details.png

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