Types of files in the Resources module

This article will describe the different types of resources that you can use on your website, each with a different purpose. The Resources module keeps them nicely organized for you in the left navigation bar. 

In this Article

Resources left navigation

Resources are organized by folders and sub-folders in the left navigation panel. There are different types of resources. Understanding the way they are organized will help you make the most of what the module can do for you! Find the left navigation panel in Resources and become familiar with the folders. 

types of resource folders.png

Public resources

Resources in the Public folder are standard, regular resource files: They can be images, videos, PDFs, or any other file type. This is the kind of resource you'd use if you wanted to share a file with the public or post it on a webpage for any other reason.

Private resources

Private resources are exactly like public resources, except that they are not shared with other users by default. Here are some things to keep in mind when you use private resources: 

  1. Private resources are visible only to the user who uploaded them (and any site admins with admin level permission to the folder).
  2. Private resources must be placed into a private gallery with custom permission settings before they can be shared. See Manage private galleries for more info.
  3. Private resources cannot be as easily moved into Public folders as other resource media are. They must be re-uploaded into Resources as Public files.

External resources

External resources are entries in the Resources module for files that are saved on other networks, such as files on remote storage systems like Dropbox or Google Docs. References to these files can be saved as External Resources, and can be included in galleries, displayed in Resource elements, and generally used exactly like public or private resources within your site. 

For more information about adding an external resource to your site, see Create an external resource

Posts resources

Anytime a post is created in the Posts module with the use of a resource, something very helpful happens in the Resources module: 

  • a folder will appear under the Posts dropdown with the same name as the Board on which the post is created.
  • any resources used in the Posts module will now appear in the Resources folder having the same name as the board. 

posts folders.png

Important Note

Permissions for these folders are inherited based on a user's Posts permissions. Anyone who has rights to a board in Posts will automatically have access to that board's corresponding folder in Resources, regardless of whether or not they have any other Resources rights. To control rights to these folders, adjust the permission settings in Posts. For more information, refer to our article Posts permissions and click on the "Board Level" tab to adjust Board permissions.

Messages resources

Anytime a message is created in the Messages module with the use of a resource, something very helpful happens in the Resources module: 

  • a folder will appear under the Messages dropdown with the same name as the Messages folder in which that message is created.
  • any resources used in the Messages module will now appear in the Resources folder having the same name as the folder in Messages where that message exists.

messages folders in resources.png

Important Note

Permissions for these folders are inherited based on a user's Messages permissions. Anyone who has rights to a folder in Messages will automatically have access to the corresponding folder in Resources, regardless of whether or not they have any other Resources rights. To control rights to these folders, adjust the permission settings in Messages. For more information, refer to our article Messages permissions and open the "Folder Level" tab to adjust the Folder level permissions. 


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