Best Practice: Be sure your homepage is searchable by external search engines

There are times when a site is being built or edited when it makes sense for the homepage to not be crawlable, or searchable, by external search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing.  However, when a site is live, it is important that your homepage is able to be searched by external search engines for marketing, accessibility, and SEO reasons. 

If a homepage is not set to be searchable by external search engines, then when someone searches for your school, the search engine will have a hard time distinguishing what page is the primary or most authoritative page of your site to pull up in results.   

For Composer schools, go to the Home page, click on the pink gear icon in the lower right-hand corner, and be sure that the "Hide from external search engines" checkbox is not checked off in the General Page Settings tab.


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