Ideally, every transaction in your store will be completed perfectly on the first try. That isn’t always possible, though, so this article discusses editing, canceling, refunding, and deleting orders.
Editing orders
In many cases, you can update the information in your store orders, such as when a customer changes their mind about which product to buy, they make a mistake in the delivery address, or you want to change the tax or shipping cost.
On the Orders page, you can change details about:
- The products ordered (add or delete items; change SKU and name; change price or quantity)
- The customer (name; address; email; discounts)
- The order itself (payment option names; shipping method names; taxes; shipping costs)
To edit an order that has been placed by a customer:
- Go to My Sales > Orders and find the order that you want to update.
- Click Update > Edit order.
- Click “Edit” next to the order details that you want to edit.
- Click “Save changes.”
To add products to a placed order, click on “Add product” and enter the SKU, name, price, and quantity of the product that you want to add.
To remove products from a placed order, click “Edit” next to the product you want to remove from the order and select “Remove.”
Important Note
It’s possible that the order total will change after you edit it, in which case you need to reconcile the difference with the customer. The store will not charge your customer for an insufficient amount, or refund the customer. Follow the instructions to refund a customer via your payment gateway, or arrange with the customer directly for them to transfer additional funds to you.
Canceling orders
You can also cancel an order from your store's control panel. The customer may change their mind after placing an order, the ordered items may be unavailable, or you may consider the order fraudulent, for example.
If a customer wants to cancel an order, they should contact the store owner as there is no option to do this from their accounts. Make sure that you have the contact information on your website so that customers could easily get in touch with you.
To cancel an order:
- Go to My Sales > Orders.
- Find the order that needs to be cancelled.
- Click the payment status and select “Cancelled.”
Once you cancel the order, the customer will receive a notification about the changed order status in their inbox.
Important Note
When you cancel an order, your store automatically restocks the purchased items and sends an email to the customer, but it doesn't issue any refunds. If you want to issue a refund, please refer to the section about refunding orders.
Refunding orders
At times, you may need to issue a full or a partial refund for an order. To actually refund the payment, you’ll need to log into the merchant account of the payment processor you use in your store and issue a refund from there.
Once you have completed the refund, you can mark an order as refunded in your store. Go to My Sales > Orders and find the order that was refunded, then click on the payment status and select Refunded or Partially Refunded.
The customer will receive a notification about the changed order status in their inbox.
Important Note
When you mark an order as Refunded, your store automatically restocks purchased items. When you mark an order as Partially refunded, however, your store does not change the stock of the purchased products.
Deleting orders
Besides cancelling and refunding orders, you can also delete them from your store permanently. You may want to delete test orders, but keep all customer orders for tax purposes.
Best Practice
If a customer purchased something from your site by mistake, then it’s better to cancel the order and ensure that they're refunded correctly through the payment provider in your merchant account.
To delete an order in your store:
- Go to My Sales > Orders.
- Select the order(s) that you want to delete.
- Click “Mass Update,” and then click “Delete Selected.”
- In the popup, confirm that you want to delete the order by clicking “Delete.”
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