Set timed and delayed page pops

Page pops are pop-up messages that appear on specific pages to alert visitors about vital information. They can be used to announce weather delays, special events or other items of interest.

New Addition: Timed and delayed page pops

Finalsite introduced the additional options of using timed and delayed page pops so you can craft pop-ups that enhance the user experience, rather than creating another unwanted hassle. This article shows you how it works!

In this Article

Timed and delayed page pops are an evolution of our current page pops that you can use to increase engagement across your website while directing site traffic to other pages or material across your school’s website. Leveraging timed and delayed page pops is a great way to enhance the user experience by adding value that wasn't there before.

Added abilities

Timed and delayed page pops include all the same options as page pops, with these added abilities:

  • delay a notification until a visitor has spent at least 7 seconds on a page (up to 60 seconds), or

  • delay the notification until the user has scrolled 50 percent of the way down the page.


Here are some benefits of using timed and delayed page pops:

  • enhance User Experience
  • avoid disruptive user experiences
  • delay pop-ups until visitor interest is gauged
  • measure interest by time spent on a page or scroll depth
  • prevent unintended disconnects, or mismatched content
    • For example, if the bottom half of your school’s homepage is equally divided into grade levels with a few quick informational blurbs about each, you could use Timed Page Pops to ask a visitor to subscribe to the weekly “fifth grade newsletter” once they have scrolled halfway down the page. If formatted correctly, the pop-up will only appear once the visitor arrives at the fifth grade section of that page.

How it works

  • Navigate to Page Pops in the module menu.
  • Click the green button in the top left corner labeled Create Page Pop.
  • Give your Page Pop a Name and Message.
  • Set Start and End times.
  • Expand out the Display Options section of the Page Pops editor.
    display options box.png
  • There are two different configurations for the delayed display, which will be visible after checking the Delay Pop Display checkbox.
    • Option #1 Timed: Set the Display Pop after value between 7 and 60 seconds, so that the content appears after the user has been on the page for a set period of time.
    • Option #2 Scrolled: Display when the user scrolls halfway down the page.
      delay page pops options.png

This is an optional setting that you can set on individual Page Pops. Otherwise, the process of setting up the Page Pop is the same as a standard Page Pop.

Best practice tips

Ready for some best practice tips as you decide when it's best to use these options? Check out the article, "Best Practice: Scroll- versus time-delayed Page Pops."

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