There are many types of form fields that can be added by clicking on them in the library or dragging and dropping them into position. This article covers the settings for each field.
Forms Plus Add-on
You may see form fields below that are not found in your Forms module. Some of these fields are only included with the purchase of Forms Plus, a powerful add-on for Finalsite Forms that offers enhanced registration capabilities to make managing the registration procss more efficient and effective than ever before. Reach out to your Client Success Manager or email for more information about how to get started with Forms Plus.
In this Article
General fields
While each field type has unique characteristics, the following settings apply to all fields:
Label: This text appears above the field, as well as in the results header, unless the “Results Label” is customized under Advanced Settings.
Hint Text: This text appears below the field and is limited to 100 characters. It should offer guidance about how to complete the field.
Required Field: Use this toggle to indicate that a field must be completed in order for the form to be submitted. A red asterisk will be displayed next to the field label.
Conditional Rules: For more details on these options view Create conditional form fields.
(Advanced Settings) Results Label: Use this field to display something different on the column header in the Results tab than what appears above the field on the form.
Expand the accordions below to find out more about the settings for each field type.
Profile fields
Elements: Select the checkbox next to an element to display it as a separate field. Use the toggle to make that element required. Click the edit pencil to edit the label that appears below the text, add placeholder text, or add a Results Label that appears as the column header in the Results tab. These elements cannot be reordered.
(Advanced Settings) Prefill Field: Use the toggle to prefill this field with the user's profile data, if the user is logged in.
Note on Prefill Fields
- (Advanced Settings) Prefill Field: Use the toggle to prefill this field with the user's profile data, if the user is logged in.
Note on prefill fields
Some basic fields can be set to be prefilled if a user is logged in. Also found under Advanced Settings, several constituent profile fields are available to choose from. Looking ahead, special prefill settings will be developed for address and phone number fields, so stay tuned!
Basic fields
Character Limit: Select a minimum (at least 0) and a maximum (up to 5,000) number of characters to be required for this field.
Field Validation: Select from the dropdown to limit the accepted characters in the field to one of the following options.
Letters (Alphabetic)
Letters (Alphabetic with Spaces)
Letters & Numbers (Alphanumeric)
Letters & Numbers (Alphanumeric with Spaces)
Numbers (Numeric)
- (Advanced Settings) Prefill Field: Use the toggle to prefill this field with the user's profile data, if the user is logged in.
Character Limit: Select a minimum (at least 0) and a maximum (up to 5,000) number of characters to be required for this field.
Height: Select how many rows (at least 3) will be shown for the field.
Display remaining character count: Use this toggle to display the number of characters the submitter has typed and the maximum characters allowed.
Set Pricing: Use this toggle to make this a currency field and add a “price” field to each of the choices. The price will automatically appear next to the choice on the form. (When pricing is added, a Payment Information field will automatically be added to display the total payment due.)
Choices: Use the field to set the labels for each of the choices offered in the field. Hover over the dots on the left to drag and reorder the choices. Click the trashcan icon to delete a choice. Click the “+” icon next to any choice to add a new choice below that one. Select the checkbox next to any one choice to set it as default on the form.
Layout: Select whether the choices will be displayed in a single row (Inline) or in up to four columns (Columns). If Columns, specify the number of columns and whether the choices should read horizontally or vertically.
If you want to give users a single choice, such as an "opt in" or acknowledgment, use the Multiple Choice field. The submitter can deselect a checkbox if it was selected by accident, but they would need to refresh the form entirely to clear a single radio button selection.
Set Pricing: Use this toggle to make this a currency field and add a “price” field to each of the choices. The price will automatically appear next to the choice on the form. (When pricing is added, a Payment Information field will automatically be added to display the total payment due.)
Choices: Use the field to set the labels for each of the choices offered in the field. Hover over the dots on the left to drag and reorder the choices. Click the trashcan icon to delete a choice. Click the “+” icon next to any choice to add a new choice below that one. Select the checkbox next to one or more choices to set them as default on the form.
Layout: Select whether the choices will be displayed in a single row (Inline) or in up to four columns (Columns). If Columns, specify the number of columns and whether the choices should read horizontally or vertically.
Allowed Choices: Set a maximum number of choices the submitter is allowed to select, up to the total number of choices available.
- Rating Icon: Choose from a preset list of icons to display.
- Max Rating: Enter the number of rating icons to display.
- Icon Color: Customize the icon to your site's color code.
Set Pricing: Select the toggle to make this a currency field and add a “price” field to each of the choices. The price will automatically appear next to the choice on the form. (When pricing is added, a Payment Information field will automatically be added to display the total payment due.)
Choices: Use the field to set the labels for each of the choices offered in the field. Hover over the dots on the left to drag and reorder the choices. Click the trashcan icon to delete a choice. Click the “+” icon next to any choice to add a new choice below that one. Select the checkbox next to any one choice to set it as default on the form. If no choice is selected, the dropdown will be empty.
Price Range: Enter a minimum and maximum amount to be allowed in the field. Hint text beginning “Please enter a price between” will be displayed, but this may be overridden if Hint Text is supplied above. These fields can be left blank, although a minimum is recommended to avoid submissions with no actual payment. These must be entered in whole amounts, no decimals.
- Define a default fee to be charged. This field is not editable by the submitter.
Accepted Dates: Choose a “From” date and/or “To” date to limit the range of dates that may be selected in the field.
Accepted Days: Click on the circles to de-select a day of the week and not allow it to be selected in the field.
- Accepted File Types: Choose to allow all file types or only specific types (i.e. pdf, jpeg). The file type list is the same types of files allowed to be uploaded to Resources.
- Number of Files: A maximum of 5 files can be uploaded per file upload field.
- Max File Size: Set a file size limit per file. Keep in mind, the total size per field allowed is 20 MB and the total size per form allowed is 100 MB.
The Terms of Service field is a single checkbox field that you can add rich-text content alongside.
- Agreement Text: Add content to fully disclose what is being agreed to or link text to a source document.
Add a Discount field to a form so that you may establish discounts with conditional rules based on dates or form fields.
Forms Plus Add-on
This is a field included in the Forms Plus add-on. Reach out to your Client Success Manager or for more information about how to get started.
Registration fields
- Add Pricing: Select the toggle to make this a currency field and add a “price” field to each of the choices. The price will automatically appear next to the choice on the form. (When pricing is added, a Payment Information field will automatically be added to display the total payment due.)
- Capacity limit: Change from "Unlimited" to "Specific" to set a maximum number of registrations to accept. Add the desired quantity in the "Overall Capacity Limit" field that appears. If you want to set a limit on how many registrations can be submitted at a single time, add the quantity in the "Per Submission Limit" field. (When attendee data is collected, the per submission limit is no more than 25.)
Data Collection Type: This toggle allows you to request additional information from registrants. Change the toggle from "Number" to "Attendee" to activate this feature.
- Elements: When "Attendee" is selected, choose from 6 elements to add to the form: First, Last, Email, First Custom, Second Custom, and Third Custom. At least one element is required. The three custom fields may be configured as a simple "Text" or "Dropdown" field. Refer to the Name field section for more information about using these settings.
Forms Plus Add-on
This is a field included in the Forms Plus add-on. Reach out to your Client Success Manager or for more information about how to get started.
Set Pricing: Use this toggle to make this a currency field and add a “price” field to each of the choices. The price will automatically appear next to the choice on the form. (When pricing is added, a Payment Information field will automatically be added to display the total payment due.)
- Capacity limit: Change from "Unlimited" to "Specific" to set a maximum number of RSVPs to accept. Add the desired quantity in the "Overall Capacity Limit" field that appears.
Choices: By default, the choices are Yes, Maybe, and No. Use the "Quantity" fields to indicate how many RSVPs each selection will tabulate. Refer to the Single Choice field section for more information about using these settings.
Layout: Select whether the choices will be displayed in a single row (Inline) or in up to four columns (Columns). If Columns, specify the number of columns and whether the choices should read horizontally or vertically.
Forms Plus Add-on
This is a field included in the Forms Plus add-on. Reach out to your Client Success Manager or for more information about how to get started.
Layout fields
- Content: This is a fully functional text editor, allowing you to add text, images, headers, horizontal rules, and more. Note that you cannot access the HTML or embed content using this editor, as it may potentially break the form.
reCAPTCHA is a security service that validates that the form is being filled out by a human and prevents spam and fraudulent submissions. This field is automatically added to the bottom of a form, but you can choose whether to display it in the settings.
- Display Options: Select whether to Never or Always display and require the reCAPTCHA field when the form loads.
Important Note
If a form doesn't offer the ability to toggle off the reCAPTCHA, it is likely because it is a form that is collecting payments. For security reasons, the reCAPTCHA cannot be turned off of forms with payments attached.
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