In this Article
- Step 1: Upload photos into File Manager
- Step 2: Download datasheet template
- Step 3: Locate each user's ImportID
- Step 4: Complete the spreadsheet
- Step 5: Save your datasheet with the correct file name
- Step 6: Upload datasheet
Use a datasheet template to automate the process of adding profile photo(s) into Constituent profiles. Each profile in Constituent Manager can have both a Small and a Large image associated with it.
Many schools use the Small Profile Photo in conjunction with a Constituent element in Directory format to create a Faculty / Staff Directory. Here's how to get started!
Step 1: Upload photos into File Manager
Upload all of your faculty and staff profile photos to a common folder in File Manager. Please refer to Editing user thumbnail images for more information about optimizing your faculty photos before you upload them.
Step 2: Download datasheet template
Step 3: Locate the ImportID
Find ImportIDs in Constituent Manager
Export the values of all of your ImportIDs:
- Go to Constituent Manager > Settings > Export Data > Export dropdown (select the role).
- Click Compile Export button.
Find individual ImportIDs for each constituent:
- Access individual ImportIDs in each user profile in Constituent Manager> Profile tab. Scroll all the way down to the System Information section and copy the number beneath the ID column.
- Access individual ImportIDs in each user profile in Constituent Manager> Profile tab. Scroll all the way down to the System Information section and copy the number beneath the ID column.
Reach out to Finalsite Support to have your ImportIDs exported for you.
Step 4: Complete the spreadsheet
OPEN TEMPLATE: Open the template in your favorite spreadsheet software, such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
- Copy the ImportIDs (or FinalsiteOpenID) you located in Step 3.
- Paste ImportIDs into the IMPORTID column.
- URL of their photo into the spreadsheet.
Step 5: Save your datasheet with the correct file name
Important Note:
- DELETE the instructions column before downloading.
- DELETE any blank columns you're not using.
Download FIRST as .tsv format
If using Google Sheets, select Download As in the File menu and Download your datasheet as a Tab Separated Values file (.tsv) into a location where you can access the file.
Rename SECOND as .txt format
Once you have the .tsv file, rename the file manually so that the new file extension is .txt.
Step 6: Upload datasheet
Here are some instructions on how to upload your datasheet into Constituent Manager. You can also Submit a Request to Finalsite Support including your .txt file in the request if you prefer going this route.
With your datasheet saved and ready, go to Constituent Manager > Settings > Import Data > Constituent Profile Data, and click “Continue” to open the upload utility.
Click Choose File to select the Unicode .txt version of your datasheet.
Click Import to begin the import of the datasheet.
Select the correct items from the dropdown menus:
- Constituent Role: For this example, we’ll use Faculty & Staff. When uploading, select the appropriate role for the datasheet you’re using. Choose Student as the role when uploading the relationships.
- Match Criteria: Use the importID option whenever possible. Using the FirstName LastName option isn’t always accurate, because you may have more than one John Smith at your school.
- Constituent Origin: Because we’re using Finalsite’s datasheet template, we’ll put Finalsite System Default as the source for this data upload. If this data was coming from an export from another student information system, we would indicate that here.
- Constituent Feed: Because Finalsite System Default is the constituent origin, the only option here is finalsite.
Make sure the Uploaded Columns and the Database Columns match. This will go a long way toward preventing errors in the upload.
Ensure that the checkboxes under New and Update are both checked for the columns you are uploading. You can determine which rows are imported on the following screen.
Once you have verified the columns, click Confirm Data to move to the next step.
On this screen, you can confirm that all the data appears the way you expect it to. If any of the column headers don’t match the data that’s below it, click Redefine import fields to go back to the previous step and select the correct field(s) from the dropdown menu. If everything appears correct, click Import Data Now.
The import may take a few minutes to process. Once the import has completed, you’ll see a table of your new and updated Constituent Manager profiles with OK next to each row.
After you have finished uploading, always check the profiles in Constituent Manager to make sure everything looks correct!
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