Adding thumbnails to boards and posts

In this Article

Thumbnail images can be added to both boards and individual posts to be displayed in various ways on your Composer site. 

Upload thumbnail to Resources

Before adding your thumbnail into the Posts module, add your resource to the Resources module. Upload thumbnails with a central focus that isn't too closely zoomed into and has a strong, central focal point. This way, the image may be cropped or clipped around the edges to optimize the image for being viewed on all screen sizes.

Recommended thumbnail sizes

Due to the uniqueness of your site's theme or design, it is a best practice to follow your Site Instructions page when searching for recommended sizes and dimensions for post thumbnails. Thumbnail images may be animated gifs, but videos are not supported.

Add a thumbnail to a board

Once your thumbnail has been added to resources, you can add your thumbnail to a board within Posts. Here's how it works:

  1. Hover over the board name, click the 3-dot more action menu, and select Settings.

    board settings for permissions.png

  2. In the General tab of the Board Settings window, scroll down to the Thumbnail section, and click the Browse button to open up Resources in a new window. Navigate to the image you want to use, or upload a new one.
  3. Navigate to the image you want to use and select it, then click Save at the bottom-right. 

board settings > general tab.png  

Set a Default Post Thumbnail on a board

There is a great new feature available now where you can set a Default Post Thumbnail to avoid needing to go in and add individual thumbnails to all of your posts. This means you can use, for example, your logo or a similarly-branded image to display with all of your posts, allowing for a streamlined look and feel. Scroll down to the Thumbnail section.   

thumbnail section.png

To set a Default Post Thumbnail, select a thumbnail by clicking the Browse button. Check the box next to Use Thumbnail as the Default Post Thumbnail to apply this selected thumbnail to all posts in this board. 

Click Save at the bottom-right.

Add a thumbnail to an individual post

Thumbnails can be attached to the post when it's first created, or anytime after it's saved.

Expand out the Thumbnail & Resources section on the right when creating a Post. Click to browse either Resources or File Manager and attach a thumbnail to this particular post.

add thumbnail to individual post.png

When you select a thumbnail, you can also add alternate text to the image. Use this field to add a short description of the image contents. The fact that alt text is present at all will help boost your site's SEO rankings. In addition, describing images is considered a very thoughtful and polite way to interact with visually impaired site users.

Display thumbnail alongside your post in Composer

After placing the Post and its thumbnail onto a Composer page, you can open up the Post Element Settings and expand out the Formatting tab to make adjustments to the way a post thumbnail displays inside that particular Post element. 

Here are the post thumbnail settings you'll see in your Post Element: 

gif of post element settings opened up to formatting settings for thumbnails

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