Finalsite offers a feature where one admin can create and write posts, while another admin is responsible for reviewing, approving, and publishing these same posts. This article explains how main site admins can set up and utilize this feature on their team.
- What is Request to Publish posts?
- Step 1: Configure settings for the approver
- Step 2: Configure settings for the requester
- Step 3: Understand each role's workflow
What is Request to Publish posts?
It's helpful to allow admin users to create, write, and edit posts, but sometimes you want to be able to approve and manage the post before publishing and pushing out to your site. The Request to Publish feature in the Posts module is a great one for you to try out!
Here's how it works:
- Certain permissions will be set up limiting the admin user or portal user "the requester" to not be able to publish, while setting higher level permissions for "the approver."
- The admin user with more limited permission, will see this Request Publish button in the bottom right corner.
- When this button is clicked, admin users with higher levels are notified of this request.
Step 1: Configure settings for the approver
First you'll configure the settings for those main site admins who will be publishing on behalf of other admin users or posts portal users.
- Configure Posts Global permissions: Configure Posts Global permissions to one of the following levels: View, Edit & Publish or higher.
- Want to limit permissions further? Another alternative is to limit the approver from having access to all boards in the Posts module, you can set Global Posts permissions for the admin user group in which the approver is placed to "View" level and then bump up the permissions on the Board level to View, Edit & Publish or higher.
Step 2: Configure settings for the requester
Now you will configure the settings so that certain admin users and portal users will be able to create and edit pposts but not publish them on their own. They will click the Request Publish button in the post creation screen that you as the main site admin will receive.
Configure Posts Global permissions for admin users: Set Global Posts permission levels to one of the following permission levels:
- Global View (to then bump up on the Board level to either View, Edit & Delete (All Posts) or View, Edit & Delete (Own Posts Only)
- Configure Posts Granular level permissions for portal users:
- Go directly to the Board settings.
- Click Enter Constituent to pull up portal users from Constituent Manager
- Grant the permission level of View, Edit & Delete (All Posts) or View, Edit & Delete (Own Posts Only).
Important Notes about Approver
In order to approve a post to be published, a person needs to have the following qualifications:
- be an admin user with at least View, Edit...Publish OR Admin level either globally or to the same board where a person is trying to publish a post
- this admin user needs to have already logged in to receive notifications whenever someone requests to publish a post
Also, anyone that is a member of the main site administrators group (often called Administrators in Admin Users module) will receive notifications for posts to be published, as will any admin users with publish rights to a certain board.
Step 4: Understand each role's workflow
As the requester (see "How to request to publish post")
- After creating and/or editing a post, the requester can click the Request Publish button in the bottom-right corner of the post creation screen.
- Confirm in a second screen that they are requesting this post to be published.
- The post status will then change to pink in the list of all posts.
As the approver (see "How to approve a post to be published")
- When a request to publish has been made, the selected admin receives an email notification, as shown below.
- Approver can login to composer and navigate to the post to find, review, edit (if necessary), and publish the post.
Other Related Resources
- "How to request to publish a post": this article is for an admin user or portal user with limited posts permissions (including no publishing rights) to learn how to request to publish a post that was written.
- "Use the request to publish a post feature": this article is for main site admins to know how to set up the system of requesting and approving posts on behalf of someone with lower permission levels.
- "How to approve a post to be published": this article helps admin users to learn how to approve a post that someone else is requesting to be published.
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