Add posts in bulk to the Posts module

It is now possible to add posts in bulk directly into your Posts module! This article will show you how it works. 

In this Article

Step 1: Download datasheet template

To upload events, download this template and follow the directions below to assist you with completing the template correctly.  

Step 2: Open the template in Excel or Sheets and rename immediately

  1. Open the template in your favorite spreadsheet software, such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
  2. Rename datasheet with a unique name for your revised template.
  3. Each row of the spreadsheet contains a separate post, while each column represents the different aspects of that post that you want added into the Posts module.

Bulk Posts Upload Datasheet 2024.png

Step 3: Follow exact column instructions

Type your post details into the correct columns following the exact instructions in Column A, also elaborated below.

post details columns.png

Upload Best Practices

  • As a best practice, upload only one board at a time per datasheet. This makes it easier to understand any issues that arise and the ability to confirm that posts have uploaded as expected. 
  • If there is a large number of posts in your upload, it may be quite a while before you get a notification of success or failure sent to your email. Break your upload into smaller batches if you are worried about the size. A datasheet with more than 500 posts may upload better when separated up.
  1. Base URL: The domain URL. This is the URL of the actual site the posts are GOING to be displayed on not the site they are coming from . . i.e. moving from wordpress site to fs it would be the FS URL (deployment or otherwise). 
  2. Folder: Enter the name of the Folder that holds the Board you'd like a particular post to be housed in.
  3. Board: Enter the name of the Board that the post will be placed into.
  4. Board Slug: Each board must have a unique board-slug, even boards with similar names that live in different folders. Upload will fail if multiple boards with the same name share the same Board-slug but live in different folders. 
  5. Title: Give each post a title that is no more than 250 characters. 
  6. * Author Email: * Not required. You may want to enter the email address of the person who will be listed as the author of the post.
  7. * Author Name: * Not required. Enter the name of the person who will be listed as the author of the post.
  8. Body: Add text here which will be added as the body of your post. Text should use proper HTML formatting in order to pull in paragraphs and other text formatting. The body has a 75k character limit. Clear formatting that is originally from Word/Google before pasting into the body. See "Why can't I paste from word?" for more information.
  9. Thumbnail: Copy/paste the link to the thumbnail image living in Resources found in the Quick Panel, a button that says Link to Resource. Or paste different thumbnail link if housed externally.
  10. Thumbnail Alt Text: Provide a written description of the file for accessibilty standards no more than 125 characters. 

    Important Note

    Must have Alt Text added (see #10) to upload and display a thumbnail. Thumbail will not display without Alt Text!

  11. Summary: Add a summary for your post with a max 1600 character limit. 
  12. Tags: Which tags do you want to appear on the post? Separate them with a comma.
  13. Categories: Which categories do you want to appear on the post? Separate them with a comma. 
  14. Start: Must be either in the past or be left blank. If left blank, will be imported as a Draft. Schedule future posts in the Posts module directly. Date fields either need to be empty or use the mm/dd/yyyy 00:00 AM/PM format. Ex: 12/25/2024 7:00 AM. 
  15. End: This is when the post will no longer be displayed. 
  16. Post Slug: Post-Slug must be unique. Uploader will tell you if there is a duplicate slug and highlight it so you can update your spreadsheet and try again. If a post already exists in the Posts module with the same Post-slug within the same board as a post in the datasheet, the Post in the datasheet will not be uploaded. 
  17. External Redirect: Do you want the user to be directed to an external destination? Paste full URL, including https:// here.
  18. Resource Redirect: Copy/paste the link to media living in Resources found in the Quick Panel, a button that says Link to Resource
  19. Open in New Window: If pasting an external or resource redirect, do you want it to open in a new window? (Yes or no)
  20. Attachments: Paste the link to any single attachment you'd like to attach.
  21. Import ID: Leave this field blank. 

Step 4: Delete Column A instructions 

Step 5: Download file in the formats below

Are you using Excel, Sheets, or Office 365 (Excel browser app version)? 

Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Office365 Excel browser app

Download instructions for Excel

From the File menu and select File > Save As. Choose CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (.csv). 



Step 6: Import .csv datasheet(s) into the Posts module

  1. Navigate to the Posts module > Boards tab. 
  2. Scroll down to the green + Upload Posts button at the bottom of your list of Boards.

    Important Note

    If you don't see the + Upload Posts button at the bottom of your list of Boards, ask your main site admin to adjust the Import Posts column in Global Level Post permissions

    upload posts in boards tab.png

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