Are you an admin user who is assigned to approve and publish pages on behalf of others? This article will help you understand how it works.
Admin users who are not granted permission to publish pages will see a Request to Publish button in the bottom right corner. When this button is clicked during post creation (after clicking Save), admin users with a higher level of permissions on that same board (or global admin over all boards) are notified of this request.
How to approve a page to be published
- When a request to publish has been made, you will receive an email notification that looks similar to this, with the title in the email subject: Post Publish Request.
- Login to Composer.
- Open up Posts and locate the post that was submitted to be approved in the main Dashboard. If you know the specific board, click to open that board.
- Review the post and publish the post if you agree that no other changes need to be made.
- Should changes need to be made, simply make revisions and click Save or Update in the bottom right corner of the post creation window. Once changes are made, simply publish or schedule the post to be published when you are ready!
Cancel Publish Request
Once a post has been submitted for publishing, any editing of the post by the requester will cancel the publish request and send a notification to the admin with publishing rights (the approver).
This window will appear whenever the requester edits a post that has already been submitted to be approved:
Other Related Resources
- "How to request to publish a post": this article is for an admin user or portal user with limited posts permissions (including no publishing rights) to learn how to request to publish a post that was written.
- "Use the request to publish a post feature": this article is for main site admins to know how to set up the system of requesting and approving posts on behalf of someone with lower permission levels.
- "How to approve a post to be published": this article helps admin users to learn how to approve a post that someone else is requesting to be published.
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