Organize content in Posts with Tags

Posts is an extremely flexible tool that allows you to make frequent updates to your content and mix, match, and reuse that content without the need to reconfigure your settings all the time. Posts also makes it easy for users to find exactly the content that’s useful and relevant to them. Using tags and categories gives you additional flexibility to group and filter your posts. 

This article will focus on how to use Tags in Posts. To learn more about how to use Categories in Posts, check out the article, "Organize content in Posts with Categories.

In this Article

When do I use a tag or a category?

Tags and categories are similar methods of labeling your posts for easier grouping, targeting, and filtering — with two important differences:

  • A tag is used to filter posts in a Post element, but categories are not used in this way. 
  • A category is attached to a single board, while tags can be used across all of your boards and posts.

Organize posts with tags

Quick Tutorial: Organize Posts with Tags


1. To apply tags on posts, we are starting on an existing board with at least one post created.

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2. Click the post title to open the post.

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3. Expand the Category & Tags section

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4. Click the Tag field.

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5. Type Varsity

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6. Click Add Tag

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7. Tags can be used across all boards. So as you start typing, tags already used will autopopulate, and you can select from the list. Click Glastonbury High School.

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8. Click Update

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9. Click Athletics News to return to the board.

Step 9 image

10. At a glance, you can see the tags applied to the post. Keep adding tags to your posts to allow users to filter for topics most relevant to them, or so posts can be filtered to appear on specific pages.

Step 10 image

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

Tags use cases

Use case #1: Tags can filter posts on pages

Quick Tutorial: Use Tags to Filter Posts on Pages


1. To learn how to use posts tags to filter post content, we will start on a post board with a post already created. This exciting story will appear on our school's home page using this News board. But we also want to display it on the Athletics page.

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2. In the Tags field, type Athletics

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3. If you've used this tag before, it will auto populate and you can select the tag, or click the green add Tag button if it's the first time you've created it. Click to select Athletics.

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4. Click Update or save to publish the post when ready.

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5. Now, let's navigate to the Athletics page. Click Composer.

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6. Click Athletics

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7. Toggle Compose on to enter edit mode.

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8. We have an existing post element on the page.

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9. Click the settings gear to configure the element.

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10. Expand Content Filters

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11. Click to toggle Display posts from Board(s)

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12. Click Select Board

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13. Navigate to and select the News board where we generate posts.

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14. Click Apply

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15. Click Specific Tags

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16. In the Search Tags field, we select the tag we added to the post to filter the content into this element. Type Athletics.

Step 16 image

17. As you begin typing, the tag will appear. Click Athletics.

Step 17 image

18. Click Save

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19. Toggle Compose off to enter preview mode.

Step 19 image

20. Now you can work more efficiently knowing your posts, tagged with Athletics, will appear both in your main news page, and on this page. Don't forget to publish if you like what you've done!

Step 20 image

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

As noted above, tags are universal across all of your boards, and they can be used in a Post element to filter which posts are displayed from your boards and collections. You can also add a Post Tools element in Composer to let users filter the posts on the page by tag.

In the post editor screen, expand the Category & Tags box to access the tag setting. To add a tag, start typing it into the Tags field.


If the tag has already been used on another post, it will autofill and suggestions will appear underneath the field. Click on the suggested tag to add it to the post. 

If the tag is new, you can create it by clicking the green + Tag button next to the field. Tags are case-sensitive, so “enrollment” and “Enrollment” would be considered two different tags. To remove a tag, click the X in the blue box with the tag. 

Use case #2: Tags can display news on multiple domains

Quick Tutorial: Use Tags to Display News on Multiple Domains



Step 1 image

2. Step 1: Create a blank post on any board. Add all the tags that will be used to filter posts throughout all sites.

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4. Save the post but leave it unpublished.

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5. Step 2: Navigate to Composer to configure the post elements.

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6. Navigate to the school's home page or page containing the post element.

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7. Toggle Compose on to enter edit mode.

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8. Click the settings gear of the post element.

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9. Expand Content Filters

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10. The first Display post from Board filter should have the school's individual board(s) selected.

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11. Click to toggle on Display additional Board(s)

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12. Click Select Board

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13. Navigate to and click to select District News (or any other board you are using to create posts for other schools).

Step 13 image

14. Click Apply

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15. Click Specific Tags

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16. In the Search Tags field, add all the tags that need to apply to this school. As you start typing, the tags you created will auto populate.

Step 16 image

17. For this example, type Franklin

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18. Click Franklin Elementary

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19. Continue adding any additional tags such as All Schools or Elementary if you created them.

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20. Click Apply

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21. Toggle Compose off to enter preview mode.

Step 21 image

22. Click Publish

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23. Click Publish

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24. Step 3: In Posts, tag each new story using the corresponding tags and publish the post to have it displayed on the desired school site(s).

Step 24 image

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

Manage tags with Tag Manager

To view and manage all of your tags, open your Tag Manager utility by clicking Tags in the Posts left navigation menu. 

Quick Tutorial: Organize Tags with Tag Manager


1. In the Posts module, click Tags.

Step 1 image

2. Let's rename the 3rd Grade tag to Third Grade. Click 3rd Grade

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3. In the Tag Name field, select 3rd

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4. Type Third

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5. Click Rename Tag

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6. Click to confirm this is permanent and cannot be undone.

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7. Click Rename Tag

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8. Next, let's merge the Art tag with the Arts tag. Start with the correct tag you want to use. Click Arts.

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9. In the Merge Tags section, click the Label field.

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10. Type Art

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11. As you begin typing, a selection of tags will appear. Click Art

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12. Click Merge with selected tags

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13. Double-check the merge is correct. Then, click to confirm this action is permanent and cannot be undone.

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14. Click Merge Tags

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15. Finally, use the trash can to delete a tag. Remove the AP tag by clicking the delete icon.

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16. Click to confirm you will Remove this tag from 1 post

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17. Click to confirm you are aware this action is permanent and cannot be undone.

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18. Click Delete Tags

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19. That's it! You can continue to use Tag Manager to keep your tags organized.

Step 19 image

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

Tags in the Post element

To configure the content displayed in a Post element to filter by tag, go to the Post element settings and expand the Content Filters section.

post element settings.png

Select the collection and/or board(s) you would like to display in the element, then select Specific Tags below to filter your selection by tags.

Start entering the tag into the Search Tags field, then click on the suggested tag when it pops up to add it to the element. If a tag is not in use in Posts, it cannot be selected for the Post element.

Using tags in the Post element is explained in detail in the Level 2 section of Target posts in a Post element.

Tags in the Post Tools element

Finally, you can link a Post Tools element to the Post element on your Composer page to let users filter by tags themselves. 

  1. After you have added the Post element to your page, add a Post Tools element. 

  2. Open the element settings and select the “Tag Filter” format. 

  3. Select the Post element that you want users to filter from the dropdown list.

Best practice

If you have more than one Post element on your page, giving them different names makes it easier to find the one you want in the Post Tools settings, even if you don’t display the name on the page.

Once you link a Post Tools element to a Post element, it is no longer possible to delete the Post element without removing the Tools element. First delete the Post Tools element, then refresh the browser window, to delete the Post element. 

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