Moderating and filtering posts

The Moderation Console is used to curate your sources so that your website reflects a selection of social media posts rather than a full, unfiltered stream. To begin moderating, go to the Feeds moderation console and click “Moderate and Filter.”


The moderation options will appear to the left of your feed.


Public vs. Moderated posts

To begin, choose to look at either “Public” posts (the ones that users can see currently when they look at your feed) or “Moderated” posts (the posts that have been withheld from the public feed for some reason).

Bulk moderation

By default, Feeds will automatically sort incoming social media posts as either Public or Moderated, depending on the content of each post. You can activate the “Send All Posts to Moderation” feature to automatically send everything to moderation, however.


Turning on this feature will affect all subsequent posts, but it will not impact public posts that already exist.

Automatic filters

Automatic filters define how Feeds moderates posts. Filters are applied to all social media posts on all source accounts. Any post that meets all of the applied filter criteria will be passed through to the public post side and displayed in Feeds elements. Posts that do not meet the filter criteria will be routed to the moderation queue.

There are a number of filters available, and they can be turned on or off individually to match your school’s moderation guidelines.


The blacklist automatically sends to moderation any post that contains the terms you add to it. Terms are case sensitive. Multiple terms are separated by commas.



When the whitelist is activated, only posts that contain whitelisted terms will be made public. Any posts that do not contain the specified terms will be moderated.

Terms are case sensitive. Multiple terms are separated by commas.


Note: Do not use the "@" or "#" symbols when using usernames or hashtags as filter terms; just use the text without the symbol.

Profanity filter

The profanity filter automatically moderates any post that includes offensive language.


The profanity filter cannot be updated manually with new filthy words, but it is already set to be fairly comprehensive (and to consider the staggering creativity of the internet at large).

Duplication filter

The duplication filter prevents multiple posts from different sources with the same content from appearing in the public feed (for example, if another school that you follow pushes the same content out to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, the duplication filter will allow one of those posts to appear publicly and moderate the others.)


Public posts

Manually moderating approved posts

You can view your public posts and manually select for moderation any that you want to remove from public view.


While viewing “Public Posts,” hover over a post and click the trashcan icon to send it to the moderation queue.

Pinning posts

Public posts can be “Pinned” so that they remain at the top of the feed when viewed on the website. Hover over a public post and click the “Pin” icon.


Annotating posts

You can add text to an existing public post. Hover over it and click the pencil icon.


Add your text to the window that pops up.


The post preview will update live to show how the edited post will appear. Note that you cannot delete any content from the original post, only add your own content to it.

Moderated posts

Post filters

When viewing the moderation queue, the black bar at the top of the screen lets you review individual posts according to which automatic filter they conflicted with.


  • All shows all posts in the moderation queue.
  • Filter shows posts filtered due to blacklist/whitelist filters.
  • Profanity shows posts that tripped the profanity filter. (Note that, because the profanity filter is set to err on the side of caution, it can be helpful to check this filter occasionally to make sure that worthwhile posts haven’t been caught here!)
  • Rejected shows posts that have been manually rejected by clicking the red “Reject” button on the post while it’s in the moderation queue.

Click on the name of a filter to show the posts that it caught. Click “All” to return to the full list of posts awaiting moderation.

Manually approving moderated posts

There should be red buttons to "Approve All" and "Reject All" posts. Selecting either will do so for all posts in the moderation queue.

Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 15.29.14.png

To move an individual post from the moderation queue to the public feed, hover over it and click the red “Approve” button that appears. You can also delete the post by clicking the gray "Reject" button.


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