Feeds has built-in analytics that provide context on the relative performance of your social media content, which can give you insight into how well it works to pull users into your site and get them to engage with your content.
Click “Analytics” from the left-hand nav of the Moderation Console to open the Analytics tools.
There are three analytics tabs: Page Views, Clicks, and Follows.
Date Range
For all of the analytics tabs, the “Viewing” controls adjust the date range for which data is shown. It’s important to perform apples-to-apples comparisons when looking at the various analytics data, so make sure that your date range remains consistent as you review the numbers.
Setting start and end dates
Click the “Viewing ….” header to bring up the Viewing Options window, where you can adjust the date range displayed.
Page Views
The Page Views graph charts how many times users have loaded Feeds. This counts any Feeds elements on your website, as well as times that users have clicked into feeds by following a “Share Feed” link.
The line graph allows you to correlate Page Click activity with specific posts, campaigns, and other social media activity.
The Clicks graph displays how many times users have clicked on social media posts while viewing a page with Feeds content.
The “Follows” chart shows the number of followers for each social media source on your feed.
This can help you measure the effectiveness of campaigns run on different social media platforms.
Posts tab and Data Options
The “Posts” tab and the “Data Options” menu both allow you to download all of your social media post data into a .CSV file that can be opened by a spreadsheet. Warning: if your social media accounts have a long history behind them, this could generate a very large spreadsheet!
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