Create segments for personalization

In this Article

Personalization is a handy way to target information on your site directly to the users who will be interested in it the most. Creating personalized content starts with creating the “segments” of your user population that you will be showing customized content to. For a broad overview, read the article "Personalization Overview."

Create a segment for personalization

To begin creating segments, first open the Personalization menu in Composer. You can reach this menu by clicking on Pages at the top of the Composer navigation.

personalization in the Composer left navigation menu.png

Click on the New Segment link to start building a segment. Give your segment a logical name.

new segment in Personalization menu.png

Set a segment filter

A segment filter can be based on a user’s Language, Continent, Country, or State/Province. Select one of these options from the first dropdown menu to enable the specific content in the second dropdown. The State/Province filter has three dropdowns, so you can choose the country first, and then which area within that country.


Share an Idea!

Do you have an idea for a personalization filter other than the ones shown here? Please let us know with the Share an Idea feature on your dashboard.

You may be creating a simple segment where one filter satisfies your requirements. If so, click Save in the bottom-right corner to finish up your segment. If you’re looking for something more complex, you can include additional filters on your segment using AND and/or OR logic.

Clicking on OR will create a new filter row within the same gray box, while AND results in a new gray box. OR logic means that the user can fulfill any of the conditions listed within a single gray box to qualify as part of the segment. AND logic means that the user must qualify under at least one condition in each gray box. You can create as many AND or OR conditions as you want, offering a high degree of specificity to your segments.

If you create a new filter and decide you no longer need it, click the delete icon on the right side of the row.

Once you have finished adjusting the filters, click Save to add it to the list of segments on the left. Continue adding segments with the New Segment link if needed. Once you have all the segments that you require, it’s time to add some personalization to your site. See Add personalization to Composer pages to find out more.

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