Configure List Settings

Each list in the Lists feature has settings that can be configured. This article will show you how to find List Settings and what options you have. 

In this Article

Step 1: Navigate to List settings

Once you are inside of the Lists feature in Messages or Messages XR, here's how to access the settings for each individual mailing list.

Open your mailing list after clicking inside of the folder where it lives. 
open up a list inside of a folder.png

Click the Settings icon gear in the bottom right while a list is open. The List Settings window will open up.
list settings.png

Step 2: Configure List Settings

list settings window.png

The Settings window has three tabs:

  • General
  • Permissions
  • Privacy

General tab

general tab of list settings.png

  • Name: Edit the contents of the Name field to change the list’s name. Remember that list names are visible to end users when subscribing to or unsubscribing from the list!
  • Description: Add a description. 
  • Status Change Email(s): Status change emails are notifications sent to a site admin whenever a list subscriber changes their subscription status (subscribed to unsubscribed, and vice versa). Add a site admin’s email address to this field to ensure they receive the update emails. Multiple email addresses can be entered, separated by commas.
  • Allow App Notifications: If you are using our mobile app and would like to enable push notifications for a particular list, enable this checkbox to do so. Once checked, this list will display in the mobile app for being manually subscribed to. 

Permissions tab


The Permissions tab determines who is able to edit this mailing list.

  • Type in the name of a constituent, or
  • Use the Select Group button to choose a group and select all of its members.
  • Permissions: Configure the permissions here for managing lists. Learn more in the article, "Messages permissions" or "Messages XR permissions" and click on the tab List Level in either permissions article. 

Privacy tab


The Privacy tab determines who is allowed to subscribe to this mailing list. Edit the settings to restrict the list’s visibility by selecting the roles or groups that will be allowed to subscribe to this list.

  • Admin Only: If these settings are not touched, the list will be Admin Only by default.
  • Constituents Only: To select only members of a given role or group, click the Constituents Only” button, and select the role/group(s) whose members should be allowed to subscribe to the list.
    • For example, to make a list that only members of the Faculty & Staff role can subscribe themselves to, click the Constituents Only button, and then select Faculty & Staff from the Roles submenu.
  • Everyone: If you would like to open up this list to the public to allow those outside of your constituency to subscribe to this list, select Everyone.
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