Composer URLs are user-friendly, which means you can usually deduce the page path just by reading the URL. There's an even easier way, though, using the page ID! It's even possible to find a page when you don't know where it is on your site's page hierarchy. This article will help you to learn how it works!
In this Article
Step 1: Find the internal page ID
Composer creates an internal page ID for each page that you make. It basically allows us to identify the page with a number. Then, if you change the page name or its location, links to that page will not break. This page ID comes in handy when you don't know where the page is located on your site. Once you know the page ID, you can input the URL while you are in Composer and go directly to that page.
- To get the page ID, you'll have to look at a bit of code.
- Right-click anywhere on a page in your browser and click View Page Source.
- Look for the <body> tag, or use Ctrl + F or Cmd + F to search for "body" in the code.
- On the <body> tag, you should see a "data-pageid" attribute with a number. This number is the page ID. Copy the number, without the quotation marks.
Step 2: Paste internal page ID
Now that you have the page ID, you can paste it into the Composer URL and jump to that page. The Composer admin interface URL looks like this:
The number at the end is the page ID for whichever page you're on. Paste the number you copied from the page code in place of the existing number, and hit enter to navigate to that page.
If you don't know where a page is, how can you make use of the page ID/URL?
Hi Allison! If you can't find a page in the page tree in Composer, you can snag the ID using the directions above, go to any page in Composer, paste the page ID at the end of the URL in place of the page ID of whatever page you're on, hit enter, and you'll jump to that page in Composer -- and in the page tree!
I see a tier 1 page in the preview but no where in the Composer. The page is redirected and cannot find the original page ID.
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