Add internal links to a message

You can create internal "anchor" links in Messages templates. Although email best practices say to keep your messages short enough that these links aren't necessary, you may find it helpful with longer emails to have an interactive "table of contents" to point users to the content they're most interested in. This article will show you how it works. 

In this Article

Important Note

These anchors may not appear correctly, or at all, on mobile devices depending on browser and mail program settings.

Step 1: Organize your message by sections

First, lay out your email in different sections. Make sure that your text is spread out over multiple horizontal content blocks. Internal links won't work if all your text is in the same element.

Email arranged into separate content blocks

Step 2: Insert an HTML element and edit properties

Then, drag an HTML element from the Content tab into the body of the message. Drop it directly above the content you want to link to.

HTML block added to the email with HTML block highlighted within editor

Click on "I'm a new HTML block" to edit it in the Properties column to the right.

Step 3: Paste text into the HTML code field

Drop the following text into the HTML code field, replacing all of the placeholder text:

<a name="example"><br /></a>

Code pasted into HTML section of HTML block properties

Step 4: Replace text with a name for the link

Next, click on the text within the quotation marks of the code above, and replace it with a unique one-name for the link, without any spaces. Keep track of this name, including any capital letters that you use.

Name section1 added to code pasted in HTML block

If you're creating multiple links in the same email, make sure that every link has a different name. If any of the links have the same name, this process won't work correctly.

When you're done editing the HTML, you won't actually see anything in your email body. That's OK! It doesn't need to be visible to work.

Step 5: Use a text block to create a link to the HTML section

Adding a Text block and add the link to the section near the top of your email. Highlight the text that you want to turn into a link, then click the "Insert/Edit Link" button.

Insert/Edit Link button highlighted on text block editor

In the URL field, enter a hashtag (#) followed by the unique name you gave the link.

Name section1 added to URL field with hashtag in front

Repeat these steps for any additional internal links you want to include in your message.

To test the links, it is necessary to do a full test send of the message. You will not be able to test this in preview mode.

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