After you have strategized which groups you need in Group Manager, you are now ready to add constituents to the Members tab of each group you have created. This article will help you to learn about the different ways you can add members to a group in Group Manager.
There are two different types of ways to add members in Group Manager: Static Data and Dynamic Data.
Add members individually
Manually add one-by-one by clicking the green Select Members button. This creates a static group that will not change its membership unless manually adjusted in the future. Adding one-by-one is sometimes just fine for smaller groups, but may in the future require the need to cross-check for new members anytime data has been adjusted manually or by datasheet.
If there are members already in a group, the button will display as Select More Members
Add members with a datasheet upload
Download this datasheet template:
- Open the template in your favorite spreadsheet software, such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
- Follow the instructions in Column A of the datasheet as you fill out the columns. ImportID, FirstName, LastName are required fields. Note that ImportID must be unique.
- DELETE Column A Instructions column before downloading.
- Save as .txt file following either the Excel or Sheets instructions here:
Excel: Save As a .txt file. Select File > Save As > Text (Tab delimited) .txt
Sheets: Download as .tsv file THEN save filename as .txt
Select Download As from the File menu, and choose Tab Separated Values (.tsv)
Go to where you saved your .tsv file and manually change the extension to .txt. -
Submit your .txt datasheet in a request to Finalsite support for assistance with adding your groups into Group Manager.
Add members to a group using dynamic filters
Automatically add members to a group when those users' Constituent Manager profiles meet certain parameters or include certain pieces of data that you define. You can create dynamic, ever-changing and updating groups this way. The group membership in dynamic groups will change whenever information in Constituent Manager has been updated, usually by a dynamic SIS data sync, causing the data to be more current.
Use a single dynamic filter
- Create a group pulling all current students in a particular grade.
Use multiple dynamic filters to make groups even more specific
- A group pulling in all Grade 10 students on Bus Route 1421.
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