Integrations, Authentications, and SSOs
Integrations, authentications, and single sign-ons (SSOs) are ways of leveraging data that you already have to make the experience of using your website easier and smoother for visitors and site administrators. Integration automates the process of uploading constituent (students, parents, faculty/staff, alumni) and academic (classes, rosters) data into Finalsite from your Student Information System. Authentications and SSOs allow you to securely link end users to all of the other systems they need to use, making your Finalsite portal the hub of all information, content, and third-party software access for your constituents.
Integrated Services Manager
- Integrations offered at Finalsite
- Finalsite Open Integration
- Finalsite Enrollment Integration
- GG4L Integration
- inRESONANCE Integration
- Rediker integration
- Veracross OAuth Conversion FAQ
- Authentication overview
- Finalsite authentication
- Google authentication
- LDAP authentication setup
- Active Directory (AD) integration