Constituent element

The Constituent element displays a directory listing of Constituents, according to the parameters established in the element settings. The Constituent element can be used to create a customized user directory.

element library showing how to open constituent element.png

For more information about using the Constituent element to build a directory, refer to Create a directory page.

Constituent element settings

In addition to the common element settings, the Constituent element includes the following configuration options. Use the buttons at the top of the element settings to switch between the Directory, Profile, and Search display formats.

Constituent Formats.gif

Directory format settings

Constituent Filters

  • Display constituents who belong to: Select “Any role” to include all constituents from Constituent Manager in the directory, or “Selected roles” to display a dropdown menu from which you can select one or more roles.

  • Who also belong to: Choose “Selected groups” to filter in constituents from Group Manager groups who are ALSO members of the role(s) selected above.

  • Order by Group Membership Order: Select this checkbox to use Group Manager to define the order that constituents appear in, rather than alphabetical order.

List Settings

  • Show a maximum of [X] constituents: Type the number of constituents you wish to display on each page of the directory. (If there are more people in the directory than the number you set here, the element will automatically generate additional pages to display all of them.)
  • Display constituents in a maximum of [X] column(s): Select the vertical arrangement of the directory element.
  • Display pagination: If the element automatically generates multiple pages (because the directory includes more people than will fit on a single page), use these controls to select where the "next page/last page" controls will appear.

Constituent Details

Use the checkboxes to determine which information about each person will appear in the element on the Composer page. If an information type is selected but an individual user doesn't have that field completed in their constituent profile, it will be left blank for that user. If the Constituent Manager privacy settings are set not to display an information type, it will not be shown in the directory.

The following fields have additional options:

  • Email(s): If selected, this checkbox will display options to display the email address as text or as an envelope icon.

  • Address: If selected, this checkbox will display a dropdown menu of all address types, so you can select which one to display.

  • Degrees: If selected, an additional options to display “Degree Field of Study,” “Degree School,” and “Degree Year” will appear.

  • Photo: If selected, the “Display Photo” options will be shown. Choose where to display the photo, as well as its size, shape, and alignment.

  • Link names to profile details: Select this option to link to more detailed information about the constituent in a popup, page, or element (see “Open In” settings below).

  • View profile link to profile details: A link will appear at the bottom of the constituent entry The text of this link is customizable. If the “Link names to profile details” checkbox is selected, this control sets where that link will lead.

  • Display link to boards: If selected, choose between displaying all of the constituent’s Post boards, or only those boards from selected folders. Decide what page to open these boards on in the “Open In” settings below.

Pop-Up Details

If the “Link To” setting is set to open the constituent profile in a popup, use these settings to determine what will display in the popup window.

  • Display profile using:

    • Constituent role format: Choose this option to display any or all fields from Constituent Manager, as controlled by the privacy settings for those fields set up in Constituent Manager.

    • Custom format: Choose this option to select what to display from a limited list of the most common fields in Constituent Manager, similar to the Constituent Details options above.

General Settings

  • Display Print button: Select this checkbox to display a print icon in the upper-right corner of the element, which will allow users to access a printable version of the entire directory.
  • Open boards in a Page: If “Display link to boards” is enabled, use this setting to choose which page with a Board element the boards will open on.


Ignore URL parameters: This feature allows you to configure a Constituent element so that it always shows the same constituent(s), regardless of how the user arrived on the page. This enables you to use multiple Constituent Elements on a page that loads directory information dynamically: one element can display user-selected info, while the other remains static and only displays the constituent info you select.

Link To

  • Popup: Constituent details will open in a popup window on the page.
  • Page: Choose a page with a Constituent Profile element on it to display the constituent details on a new page.
  • Element: If there is a Constituent Profile element on the page, you can select it from a dropdown to display the constituent details in that page.

Profile format settings

Constituent Details

  • Constituent: Start typing the name of a constituent in the field to search Constituent Manager for a specific profile. Select the constituent from the list that appears.

  • Link names to profile details: Select this option to link to more detailed information about the constituent in a popup, page, or element (see “Open In” settings below). If selected, the option to also include a “View profile” link at the bottom of the constituent entry is available. You can customize the text of this link.

  • Display link to boards: If selected, choose between displaying all of the constituent’s Post boards, or only those boards from selected folders. Decide what page to open these boards on in the “Open In” settings below.

Field Details

Use the checkboxes to determine which information about each person will appear in the element. If an information type is selected but an individual user doesn't have that field completed in their constituent profile, it will be left blank for that user. If the Constituent Manager privacy settings are set not to display an information type, it will not be shown in the directory.

  • Display profile using:

    • Constituent role format: Choose this option to display any or all fields from Constituent Manager, as controlled by the privacy settings for those fields set up in Constituent Manager.

    • Custom format: Choose this option to select what to display from a limited list of the most common fields in Constituent Manager, similar to the Constituent Details options above.

General Settings

  • Display Print button: Select this checkbox to display a print icon in the upper-right corner of the element, which will allow users to access a printable version of the entire directory.
  • Open boards in a Page: If “Display link to boards” is enabled, use this setting to choose which page with a Board element the boards will open on.


Ignore URL parameters: This feature allows you to configure a Constituent element so that it always shows the same constituent(s), regardless of how the user arrived on the page. This enables you to use multiple Constituent Elements on a page that loads directory information dynamically: one element can display user-selected info, while the other remains static and only displays the constituent info you select.

Link To

  • Open constituent profile in a: If the “Link names to profile details” checkbox is selected, this control sets where that link will lead.

    • Popup: Constituent details will open in a popup window on the page.

    • Page: Choose a page with a Constituent Profile element on it to display the constituent details on a new page.

    • Element: If there is a Constituent Profile element on the page, you can select it from a dropdown to display the constituent details in that page.

  • Open boards in a Page: If “Display link to boards” is enabled, use this setting to choose which page with a Board element the boards will open on.

Search format settings

Constituent Filters

These settings determine what constituents the Directory Search element will search and return constituent results from.

  • Display constituents who belong to: Select “Any role” to include all constituents from Constituent Manager in the search, or “Selected roles” to display a dropdown menu from which you can select one or more roles.

  • Who also belong to: Choose “Selected groups” to search only constituents from Group Manager groups who are ALSO members of the role(s) selected above.

  • Order by Group Membership Order: If selected, this checkbox causes results to be sorted by the order defined in Group Manager, rather than alphabetical order. Read more at Customize Group order in a directory element.

Search Settings

  • Open in Page: Choose whether to open the results in the current page (must have a Constituent Directory element on it) or select a different page with a Constituent Directory element.

  • Search Fields: Select the checkboxes to determine which search fields to include in the Search element.

  • Display Location and Department as multi-select menu: If Location and/or Department are selected in the Search Fields section above, these can be displayed as an expandable list with checkboxes rather than a dropdown if this setting is enabled.
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