What are Elements?
Elements are the fundamental building blocks of your Composer pages. Learn more about how elements work in the article, "Understanding elements" and read about each of the 5 tabs in the element library: Standard, Module, Layout, Social, and Shared.
The Constituent Map element is used to create an interactive map based on household data located in Constituent Manager. This article outlines the different features and options of the Constituent Map element.
Add-On Feature
Interested in this element? Talk to your Client Success Manager or email clientsuccess@finalsite.com.
In this Article
- Set up your Constituent Map element
- Before configuring your Constituent Map element settings
- Configure your Constituent Map element settings
Set up your Constituent Map element
Create Google Maps API key
Before you begin, make sure that you have created a Google Maps API key and added it to your site information. Instructions for this process can be found in the article Create Google Maps API KeyPart 1 Video: Setup process
Before configuring your Constituent Map element settings
There are some steps that must be taken first in your platform to ensure that your Constituent Map element will work properly.
There must be constituents in the Student role.
Student constituents must have Shared Household Addresses.
Those addresses must be visible to members of the roles who will have access to the page.
In other words, if you want parents to be able to see each others' phone numbers, then "phone number" data in Constituent Manager must be set to be visible to members of the Parent role. This is set in People > Constituent Manager > Settings > Constituent Roles. (See the Knowledge Base article Set directory profile data visibility for more information.)
The element must be placed on an access-controlled page.
The page where the Constituent Map element is placed must be accessible only by members of a specific role, or else the map element will request that the user log in. To change the Access Controls for a page, click the pink gear icon on the bottom nav bar and select "Access Control" from the top menu.
Once you have created the access-controlled page, click "Add an Element" and select the Constituent Map element from the "Module" section of the element library.
Configure your Constituent Map Element settings
Element settings are accessed by clicking the “gear” icon in the upper-right corner of the element.
Following is a video tutorial on each setting and what it looks like in the element.
Content Settings
You can restrict which pieces of information about each family are displayed by placing students in a specific group in Group Manager. You can manually select students, or you can place them using a dynamic filter.
Map Settings
These settings control what the element shows to site visitors when it's first loaded.
Specific Address vs. Visitor’s Home Address
You can choose to have the element centered either on a default address that you choose or the home address of the user. This is part of the reason why the Constituent Map element has to be on an access-controlled page - the user must be logged in so that the element can access their home address data in their profile.
Starting Radius
This determines the scale of the map that’s displayed when the element first loads. The user can change this radius by clicking on their red location pin.
Use the dropdown to change units between miles and kilometers.
Display option for users to hide household address from maps
This allows users to opt out of being listed. This setting can be checked off manually by an admin in Constituent Manager as well by individual users.
Household Details
Link to view parent’s profiles
Allows users to click a link next to a location result to view details about who it represents. If you enable the link to view parent details, you will want to create the page referred to below in the “Link to” section.
Follow these steps if you would like the parent names to link to a profile page with information from their Constituent profile:
Create a new page as a sub-page to the map element page.
On the sub-page, add a "Constituent" element set to the "Profile" format.
Use the "Field Details" section to choose which profile data fields you would like to display.*
Publish the page.
Return to the Constituent Map element.
Select the gear icon to access the element settings.
Under the "Link to" menu, choose the sub-page that you created in step 1.
Under "Household Details," select "Link to view parent's profiles."
Save element settings.
Important Note
If constituent addresses have recently been updated, it can take up to 60 minutes for the new address to populate the map.
* The best way to test this element is to open an incognito window or a new browser and "Log in As" one of the constituents who can access the page via Constituent Manager. Depending on role permissions settings, some profile details might not be visible, even for admins.
Link to email parents
If the parent’s email address is listed in Constituent Manager and visible to a Constituent Map element user (which is determined by that user’s role), an envelope icon will appear next to the name; users can click the icon to send an email to the parent.
Link to
This control specifies which page users will land on when they click a “Parent Details” link. The page you select must have a Constituent Profile element on it already. We suggest creating a hidden page with a single Constituent Profile element on it. This procedure is explained at 2:30 in the first video about this element, Constituent Map Element Set-up.
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