The following file types are not allowed in Resources:
- ‘action’
- ‘apk’
- ‘app’
- ‘bat’
- ‘bin’
- ‘cmd’
- ‘com’
- ‘command’
- ‘cpl’
- ‘csh’
- ‘exe’
- ‘gadget’
- 'html' (*structured: see note below)
- ‘inf1’
- ‘ins’
- ‘inx’
- ‘ipa’
- ‘isu’
- ‘job’
- ‘jse’
- ‘ksh’
- ‘lnk’
- ‘msc’
- ‘msi’
- ‘msp’
- ‘mst’
- ‘osx’
- ‘out’
- ‘paf’
- ‘pif’
- ‘prg’
- ‘ps1’
- ‘reg’
- ‘rgs’
- ‘run’
- ‘sct’
- ‘shb’
- ‘shs’
- ‘u3p’
- ‘vb’
- ‘vbe’
- ‘vbs’
- ‘vbscript’
- ‘workflow’
- ‘ws’
- ‘wsf’
Important Notes
- While .heic files can be uploaded into Resources, they cannot be used or detected as valid images in this format in the Messages module.
- When uploading files into Resources to be used in the Messages module, it is recommended to first use an .heic to .png or .jpeg conversion tool before uploading.
- HTML (.htm or .html) files can be uploaded, but is not recommended for structured HTML files. In these cases, File Manager is best to ensure that the correct structure is displayed.
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