Organize content: Folders, boards and posts

In Finalsite Posts, you can use folders and boards to organize your content.

When you first open Posts, you'll click on the "Boards" tab to display a list of boards, sorted into folders. Folders let you organize your boards by whatever organizational scheme makes sense for your school.

Click boards tab to display board list


Click the green "New Folder" link to create a folder and add new Boards to it. (Boards can only be created within folders.)

Click New Folder link

Note: Only Site Admins who have "Admin" permission to Boards in the Module Permissions section have the ability to create new folders and boards.

Regular Posts users with admin rights to an individual board cannot create new boards or folders, they can only create new posts.


Boards are collections of posts related to the same topic. Each board has its own group of admin users who are able to post to it. When displaying content from Finalsite Posts on a site page, you can do so using either a "Boards" element, or a "Posts" element.

"Boards" elements will show a list of boards in a folder that you choose. Users can click on a board to see its posts. Use the dropdown menu in the "Content Filters" section to select a folder.

"Posts" elements show the posts on a board (or boards) that you choose. Users can click on a post listing to see the full post content either in a popup window or on a new page. On the "Posts" element, the "Content Filters" controls let you select which boards to display.

Content structure

It's important to consider carefully the structure of your content when you begin creating boards and folders. You can make any changes you need at any time -- you can change a folder name or a board name, move boards to another folder or posts to another board. However, keep in mind that any changes you make may affect the direct links to your posts. The board name appears in the URL of a post. If you publish a link to a post, then change the name of the board that post is on, the link will go to a 404 page. 

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