Getting started with New Calendars module

  New Product

This article is for our New Calendars module

All new client implementations are currently receiving the new module. More information coming soon for those wanting to get started. Please see the following for additional updates:

In this Article

Finalsite's new Calendars module is where you can store event information from various calendars so that you can display those events on the website. This article describes best practices for using the Calendars module to set up new calendars and to create and display events.

Open up Calendars from the modules menu.

new calendars module.png

Add folders to stay organized

Before you add calendars, create folders so that you can stay organized, grouping similar calendars together in a folder. This will come in handy when you are granting permissions to admin users on your team to set permissions at the folder level when you're not wanting to share the entire module and list of calendars. 

Calendars on the Calendars tab are arranged in folders in the left navigation panel. Create new Folders using the + icon.

Add folder in new calendars.png

Groups vs folders

Our legacy module, Calendar Manager, utilized a system of combining calendars into groups. Instead of groups for organization, our new Calendars module utilizes folders. Organize your calendars into folders as you might have done previously with groups in Calendar Manager.

 Real World Example

Folders are perfect for:

  • Districts looking to organize calendars by schools.
  • Independent schools looking to break up calendars by event type.
Quickstart tips:
  • Organize entire calendars and/or specific events with folders.
  • Each folder can contain its own calendars and/or events and be customized in settings.
  • Each event within a folder can be edited and enabled individually.

Add calendars

Before you can display events on your website, you will need to Add a calendar. Click the + icon next to Calendars, and click Add Calendar.

add calendar .png

add calendar settings general tab.png

Configure the following details:

  • Calendar name
  • Folder 
  • Label (enter Hex/RGB codes to match branding)
  • Calendar Type

Calendar Types

There are three Calendar Types: Standard, Live, and Exception.

three calendar types.png

Standard Calendar Live Calendar Exception Calendar

Benefits of using a Standard Calendar

  • Add events manually into the Calendars module screen.
  • Add events with a datasheet import.
  • Manage all edits here in Calendars.
  • Give admin users access to the Calendars module so they can add and manage their events.

Important Note

The calendar type cannot be changed after the calendar is created.

Connect and create events 

Standard Events Live Events Exception Events

Add Standard Calendar Events

Click the Create Event button in the top right corner of the Dashboard, or simply click once on the date you’d like the event to appear on. This Create event window will open up. 
create standard event.png

  • Event Name: Give your event a name.
  • Start / End Date & Time: Select the date and time your event will begin and end, or check the box next to All Day.
  • Repeat: Decide if event will Repeat and add a Description. 
  • Calendar: Select the Calendar(s) on which this event will populate. 
  • Location: Add a Location to ensure attendees know where to go (e.g. High School Gym, Elementary Cafeteria, 2nd Floor Computer Lab.)
  • Share event to: Select sharing mode is a setting that either enables or limits the editing of this event by other users. Once you select a calendar or calendars where you will share the event to, two more options will display: Read-only and Full-edit.

    share event to with two options.png

    Read-only vs Full-edit:

    Read-only: Only admins with sufficient rights to the origin calendar events can: delete the event, un-share the event, edit the event, and change the sharing toggle. 

    Full-edit: Any admin with sufficient rights to the event in any shared calendar can: delete the event, un-share the event, edit the event, and change the sharing toggle. 

  • Create multi-day / recurring events to display in a block of dates. This is perfect for displaying school holidays and testing dates together on your calendars.
  • Create an Exception Calendar alongside your Standard Calendars to avoid the scheduling of events on specific days such as holidays and other occasions such as spring break or teacher work days.
  • Follow the steps in the article, "Add events in bulk", to make your calendar setup process even faster and more efficient by choosing to either Upload or Integrate your events. 

Next: Set permissions

Permissions for the Calendars module can be set on three different levels, allowing for very specific access to be granted according to the roles and responsibilities of your admin users. These three levels are: Global, Calendar Folder, and Individual Calendar. Read more about how these work in the article, “New Calendars module permissions”.

Next: Display and share events

Now you are ready to add Calendar elements to your Composer pages and display your events in a variety of different ways. Read more in the article, "Display events on your website."

Next: Manage calendars

Once your calendars are created and events showing up in your calendar panel, manage your events in an ongoing way as the school year continues on. Learn more in the article, "Manage calendars and events in New Calendars module." 

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