Create multi-day / recurring events in the New Calendars module

You can create recurring events in Finalsite's New Calendars module for Standard Calendars. This article will show you how to configure the settings for your event and the different ways these multi-day events will display on your Composer page. 

  New Product

This article is for our New Calendars module. This new product is currently in closed beta. Additional information for current clients will be sent as soon as possible. Please see the following for additional updates:

In this Article

Configure your recurring event

First you will configure the settings in the Create event screen. Navigate to New Calendars module to get started. 

  1. In Calendars module, select the calendar in left navigation so that its events appear in the main calendar panel. 
  2. Click the Create Event button in the top right corner, or simply click on a date to open up the Create Event window.
  3. Choose the Start Date as well as the End Date. Select All day if listing exact times is not necessary.
  4. Add a Description that will display on each day of the recurring event.
  5. Leave the Repeat dropdown at Does not repeat unless you would like this to repeat, for example, once a month, etc. 
  6. Select the Calendar where this will post.
  7. (Optional): Share event to allows you to share this same event on another existing calendar. 

    create recurring event.png
  8. Now, the recurring event block will appear in the calendar panel. Click on the event to edit or add new details.

recurring event on grid calendar in new calendars module.png

Important Note

For Live Calendar Types, multi-day events are created in the original source, for example, in Google Calendar. Once updated, changes will be reflected wherever your calendars are connected in Composer Calendar elements.

View your recurring event on your calendar page

Once you have configured your recurring calendar, you can now view this multi-day event on a live calendar page to see how it will display and appear to your site visitors. Change the format of your calendar by going to the Calendar Element and adjusting the format. View below to see how each would display. 
calendar formats.png

List Grid Slideshow Event

How recurring events display in List View

list view.png
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