Resource element

What are Elements?

Elements are the fundamental building blocks of your Composer pages. Learn more about how elements work in the article, "Understanding elements" and read about each of the 5 tabs in the element library: Standard, Module, Layout, Social, and Shared.

Resource elements provide a way to place media from resources onto Composer pages. This article will show you all of the different options for working with Resource Elements both on your homepage and interior pages.

In this Article

Resource elements on homepage

Your homepage has Resource Elements already in place with very fixed settings that should only be adjusted according to your Site Instructions

Important Note

Follow your Site Instructions for guidance on any settings that can be adjusted on Resource Elements on your homepage. It is possible you may be limited to clicking Browse inside your homepage's Resource Element settings when you need to connect a new Gallery or Resource item.

Resource Change:

Locate the Browse button in your homepage Resource Element settings to search for a specific resource or gallery within Resources > Galleries. You can even upload a new resource and display it in this element. resource element settings.gif

Resource elements on interior pages

Resource elements can be placed onto interior pages and customized with a wide variety of different settings to display images just the way you would like them! You can even change the Format of your Resource elements, but only on interior pages.

Format change:

Change your Resource element to display in different formats: List, Grid, Slideshow, or Single.

Change the format of your interior page resource elements.gif


Resource element settings

In addition to the common element settings, the Resource element includes the following configuration options:

List, Grid, and Slideshow format Single format

Name: Display the name of the gallery as part of the element display.

Description: Display the description of each gallery in the element display.

Display Resource: Choose to display the filename or the title of the resource, or none. If "Title" is chosen in grid or slideshow view, you may opt to show it above or below the resource. 

Description: Display the description of each resource in the element display.


Autoplay: Enable this option to make the audio play automatically when it loads, rather than waiting for the user to press play.

Closed Captions: If a closed caption file is included for the audio in Resources, enable this option to display the captions.

Loop: With this option enabled, the audio will return and play from the beginning after it reaches the end. If disabled, nothing will happen after the audio ends.


Resolution up to: The choices are 4K Ultra HD (2160px), Full HD (1080px), HD (720px), and SD (480px), but by default the element will display the video at the optimal resolution for the video and the screen size.

Show Controls/Hide Controls: Enable “Show Controls” to allow users to pause and play the video, mute and control volume, and skip to a specific point in the video. “Hide Controls” will not allow any of this functionality, so “Autoplay” is required when controls are hidden.

Autoplay: Enable this option to make the video play automatically, rather than waiting for the user to press play. If Autoplay is selected, the "Muted" and "Plays inline on mobile (iOS)" options are required.

Closed Captions: If a closed caption file is included for the video in Resources, enable this option to display the captions.

Loop: With this option enabled, the video will return and play from the beginning after it reaches the end.

Muted: This option automatically mutes the video. If the “Show Controls” option is also enabled, users can choose to unmute it.

Plays inline on mobile (iOS): By default, a video viewed on an iOS (Apple) device will open in a lightbox and block out the rest of the page when viewed. With this option selected, the video will instead play as part of the page.


Display Breadcrumbs (Grid only): The element will display "breadcrumb" links to any collections the currently selected one is underneath.

Scrolling (Slideshow only): Slideshow scrolling may be vertical or horizontal.

User control type (Slideshow only): Users can control the slideshow using dots, arrows, neither, or both.

Autoplay (Slideshow only): The slideshow will scroll automatically. This is required if no user controls are selected.

Play/Pause button (Slideshow only): Adds the option to pause and resume playing a slideshow when slideshow autoplays.

Show each slide for [X] seconds (Slideshow only): When the slideshow autoplays, choose the length of time each slide will be shown.

Show [X] items per slide (Slideshow only): Choose to show one or more than one resource on each slide of a slideshow.

Transition effect (Slideshow only): The transition effect may be slide or fade.

Order Resources/Galleries by: Choose "Alphabetical (A-Z)" to display resources in alpha order by Title or Filename, depending on which you've chosen for "Display Resource" above. Otherwise, display resources in "Gallery Order," the order they appear in Resources.

Show Gallery (List and Grid only): Choose to show galleries before or after resources (if both resources and galleries are set to display in the element).

Display Resource Type Icons (List only): An icon for each type of file will be shown next to the file name.

Display Resources (Grid only): In Grid format, you may either display resources inline or as thumbnail links. Displaying resources as thumbnail links will link the smaller version of the image to the full-size image, in a popup or a Single-format Resource element on the same or a different page.

Important Note

PDFs, Images, and Videos will display thumbnails; Other file types, such as .xlsx or .docx, will not display a thumbnail. For these file types, it's better to use a list format where the file will download when clicked on (according to browser rules).

Show [X] columns wide (Grid only): Choose to display resources in up to five columns.

Show a maximum of [X] resources (Grid only): Specify how many resources will appear on each page. If there are more than the maximum number of resources in the selected gallery, the grid will be paginated. Tip: Choose a number here that is compatible with the number of columns you have to display, so that a full row will be displayed at the bottom of the grid.


Ignore URL Parameters: If this option is selected, the resource displayed in the element by default will remain even if user-selected criteria would normally override it.

Link to

Popup/Page/Element: If resources are linked, choose to display the full resource in a popup or a Single-format Resource element on the same or a different page.

Display slideshow controls in pop-up: Choose to display arrows so users can scroll through the resources in the element from the popup window.

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