In this Article
The Account element allows site users to access their site profile, Activity Stream messages, and activity history, as well as log in to or out of the site.
Account element settings
In addition to the common element settings, the Account element includes the following configuration options.
Content Details
Login Instructions: If the “Display login instructions” checkbox is enabled, you can choose "Default" or "Custom." The login instructions are displayed to users who view this element when they're not logged in to the site. Select "Custom" to write instructions that are unique to this element; otherwise, select "Default" to display the generic login instructions: "Please provide your username and password to log in."
Forgot Password Instructions: If the “Display link to Forgot Password Instructions” checkbox is enabled, you can choose "Default" or "Custom." Select “Custom” to customize the text that appears when the user clicks "Forgot Username or Password."
User’s Profile Details: Use the checkboxes to determine what information from a user's profile is shown in the Account element when that user logs in.
Avatar: This option displays the "Small Profile Image" from the user's Constituent Manager profile.
Messages*: Selecting this checkbox will show a "Messages" link that the user can click to jump directly to their Messages.
Activity*: Use this checkbox to add a link that users can click to jump directly to their Activity Streams.
*Requires Group Spaces or Finalsite Learn
Display link to user’s profile: A clickable link to the user's profile (where the user can edit their information and settings) will be included in the element when this checkbox is selected.
Display link to create new account: This option will allow site visitors to set up a Public User account to log in to the site, subscribe to alerts and mailing lists, etc.
Require CAPTCHA verification for new accounts: Selecting this checkbox means that users will have to answer a challenge question before creating a new Public User account; this prevents automated systems from creating dummy accounts.
Link to
Forgot Password Dialog Opens: Select "Inline" or "On Login Page" to determine where the user is taken when clicking the "Forgot Username or Password" link.
New Account Dialog Opens: Again, select "Inline" or "On Login Page" to determine where the user is taken when clicking the "Create New Account" link.
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