New Product
This article is for our New Calendars module. This new product is currently in closed beta. Additional information for current clients will be sent as soon as possible. Please see the following for additional updates:
- Click the orange bell icon to subscribe to our Composer/CMS Software Release Blog.
- Check out our New Calendars module section to learn more.
- Don't know which module you have? Read "New Calendars module and Calendar Manager compared."
In this Article
- Upload vs integrate
- Upload datasheet
As you are setting up your calendars, uploading your events in bulk to make your setup process fast and efficient. After upload, manage all of your events in the New Calendars module.
Upload vs integrate
Using the Import Events window to upload a .csv or .ics file completes a static, one-time upload of events. This is sometimes confused with the process of Integrating a .ics calendar. An integration initiates a one-way dynamic sync to flow events in from another calendar source to continually appear and update in the Calendars module. Choose the one that works best for you!
Upload datasheet
Use a Calendar Upload Datasheet to upload all of your events with one click!
Step 1: Download datasheet template
To upload events, download this template and follow the directions in Step 2 to assist you with completing the template correctly.
Step 2: Open the template in Excel or Sheets and rename immediately
- Open the template in Excel or Sheets.
- Rename with a unique name for your revised template.
- Each row of the spreadsheet contains a specific event, while each column represents information pertaining to an event, such as date, start time, end time, and so on.
Step 3: Follow exact column instructions
- Copy and paste event details from another spreadsheet or type your events into the correct columns following the exact instructions in the first gray column, also elaborated below.
Title column
The Event Title is required for all events.
Start Date column
The Start Date is required for all events.
- Enter the year only in 4-digit format (YYYY , i.e., 2024) instead of 2 digit format (YY, i.e., 24).
- For best results, use the ISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD) as it is unambiguous.
- If using the North American format, use slashes (MM/DD/YYYY)
- If using the International format, separate it with dashes (DD-MM-YYYY)
Start Time column
Specify a start time. If event is an All Day event, leave blank.
- Use internationally-recognized ISO 8601 time format of HH:MM:SS (23:59:59).
- If using 12-hour time clocks, include AM or PM (02:30:00 PM).
End Date column
Must be included when adding an End Time or the system will assume it's an All Day event.
End Time column
Specify an end time. If event is an All Day event, leave blank.
- Must include End Date when adding an End Time or will be added as an All Day event.
- An event is considered All Day if Start Time, End Time, or End Date are blank or invalid.
Description column
This space is a place to add event details, contact info, etc.
Location column
Adding a location to an event ensures that your community knows where to show up.
Important Note
Recurring events cannot be uploaded via a datasheet.
Step 4: Download file in .csv format
Are you using Excel, Sheets, or Office 365 (Excel browser app version)?
Download instructions for Excel
From the File menu and select File > Save As. Choose CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (.csv).
Download instructions for Sheets
Select Download As from the File menu, and choose Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Download instructions for Office365 Excel browser app
If you are using the browser or app version of Excel from Office365, you must save your spreadsheet as a CSV UTF-8 version.
Here's how to do this:
Go to File > Save a Copy (or Save As)
In the new window, on the right side, choose CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) file format and click Save.
Step 5: Import .csv or .ics format datasheet(s) into Calendars module
- In the Calendars module, click the + next to Available Calendars to Add a Calendar.
- Enter a Name, select a Folder, and choose the Calendar Type: Standard.
- Hover over the three-dot More menu next to the Month dropdown in the top right corner. Click and select Import Events.
Import Events Options
Here are the options for importing events into Calendars module:
- Import from URL: Copy and paste a URL to complete a static upload of events.
Or import from File: Drag and Drop or Select File to upload the following supported formats.
- Import to calendar: Here is where you will designate which calendar(s) will hold the events you are uploading in bulk.
Once you click Import, a Confirmation message will appear.
Now your events will populate in Calendars module. Click on a folder to expand out your calendars and select a calendar to view the events you've just added in bulk.
Next step: Display events on your website
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